View Full Version : Today's Goals...

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 12:59 AM
1. Stop Googling symptoms
2. Stop continually checking myself
3. Stop weighing myself several times a day

Wish me luck! Small victories and all that ;)

Lord Jazzinho
01-30-2014, 01:13 AM
And if you concentrate on how you going to achieve those goals instead of worrying then you will succeed. I would suggest do something today that doesn't involve the internet. Good luck :)

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 01:24 AM
Hi Jazzinho,

Thanks for your encouragement. I intend to have an Internet-free day!

I see you're only over the border in Worcestershire - I'm in Hereford. Small world ;)

Lord Jazzinho
01-30-2014, 03:33 AM
Hi Jazzinho,

Thanks for your encouragement. I intend to have an Internet-free day!

I see you're only over the border in Worcestershire - I'm in Hereford. Small world ;)

It certainly is m8 I'm in Bewdley lol whats the weather like up there

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 04:31 AM
I know Bewdley...bought a car from there once :)

Weather here is dull, overcast and generally miserable. Doesn't do a lot for the mood but at least I can accept that one is out of my control!

01-30-2014, 07:07 AM
Good luck bruh!!! ....


El Lukio
01-30-2014, 07:42 AM
Thanks E-Man...so far it seems to be working and I'm sticking to my plan. Will have to find something to occupy me once I get home from work and the kids have gone to bed tho...

01-30-2014, 07:53 AM
Thanks E-Man...so far it seems to be working and I'm sticking to my plan. Will have to find something to occupy me once I get home from work and the kids have gone to bed tho...
If you're handy, try and find a little project around the house to preoccupy yourself with. I use it as something to focus on rather than how I'm feeling. Reading helps too but I have to be in the right frame of mind.

01-30-2014, 07:55 AM
I know Bewdley...bought a car from there once :)

Weather here is dull, overcast and generally miserable. Doesn't do a lot for the mood but at least I can accept that one is out of my control!

Same here in London. One good thing about this weather, is I'm able to push my fitness a little more in the cold. Just gotta make sure you don't slip on those puddles when pounding pavement :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-30-2014, 10:43 PM
Thanks E-Man...so far it seems to be working and I'm sticking to my plan. Will have to find something to occupy me once I get home from work and the kids have gone to bed tho...

How did it go?

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 12:27 AM
How did it go?

I mostly succeeded thanks Lord Jazz. I didn't Google anything at all and I didn't weigh myself once. I did start checking myself a couple of times but stopped almost immediately. Plus we had an early night too so it meant I wasn't trying to find things to occupy my mind.

I'm aiming for the same goals again today. Once I have got the hang of these I'm going to try for more to see if I can do it.

Lord Jazzinho
01-31-2014, 06:00 AM
I mostly succeeded thanks Lord Jazz. I didn't Google anything at all and I didn't weigh myself once. I did start checking myself a couple of times but stopped almost immediately. Plus we had an early night too so it meant I wasn't trying to find things to occupy my mind.

I'm aiming for the same goals again today. Once I have got the hang of these I'm going to try for more to see if I can do it.

Good for you m8. One day at time, If you have a bad day just get through it, put to out of your mind and start again the next day

01-31-2014, 06:04 AM
Hi El lukio

Small steps are brilliant. I'm working on the same basis of nice small goals that I can continue to build on. Best of luck.

As far as you have come, you need to make some BIG goals, Frankie

Lord Jazzinho
02-01-2014, 12:03 AM
I would like to Nixon. So much. I am afraid though.

To achieve a big goal you have to break it down into a lot of small goals e.g. when I was 13 I wanted to be a guitar player goal 1. get a guitar. Goal 2. find a teacher and so on. After 5 years of practicing many different techniques and skills week by week I was a guitar player and this September it'll be 20 years. Its all about about perspective as I seem to be saying a lot now-a-days. If you work at a goal completing it piece by piece those pieces stack up and when you finally stop to take stock you realise that you surpassed your original goal ages ago and you are on to several new ones now. If you were to say I want to climb a mountain in an hour having never climbed anything before you are bound to end up disappointed however if you say one day I WILL climb this mountain in an hour then over time you take all the steps necessary to achieve that goal an you will succeed. All it takes to achieve any goal is time if you are determined and you persevere. Perspective, Determination and Perseverance will take you anywhere you want to go