View Full Version : Got diagnosed today!!

01-29-2014, 07:23 PM
saw a psychiatrist today! She diagnosed me with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Feels good knowing exactly what's going on.. And that I'm not alone !!! She increased my meds to 25 mg and assured me I'm not crazy and how common this is ! Also I'm going to be starting cognitive behavioural therapy ! Has anyone done this ? I've heard it's great

01-29-2014, 07:42 PM
Good to finally get a diagnosis and know for sure what you're up against isn't it. Helps organize things.

CBT is a very useful tool for a lot of people, yeah. I'm glad you're gonna be doing it! Meds and drug combo has around a 75% efficiency rate, so it's the recommended treatment for sure! you can feel confident you're going in the right direction :)

It's helped a lot with esteem issues I'd had in the past, with anxiety, and with OCD! So Of course I always recommend it to others!