View Full Version : Anyone have diverticulosis?

01-29-2014, 11:00 AM
I was diagnosed with diverticulosis, I went to the ER for pain in my lower left abdomen and a feeling of being super full in that area, also when I eat it gets worse. I have health anxiety so I am getting so nervous that its something worse.....I just feel like if anything it would be diverticulitis (meaning its inflamed) because most people with the diverticulosis have no symptoms. They found out I havr this by a CT scan. I am going to a gastroenterologist tomorrow so I am hoping he eases my worries, thinking I will end up having to have a colonoscopy which Im also worried about.

I spend my life centered around health. Why am I having so many stomach issues? I just want to feel normal again....

El Lukio
01-29-2014, 11:10 AM
Hey rhan I have stomach issues too. That's how my latest bout of anxiety started. I feel tension in my stomach/abdomen a lot of the time and I'm trying to accept it's all part of my anxiety. Good luck with the tests etc. x

01-29-2014, 11:14 AM
Don't let if bother you. :)

I was diagnosed with it (a large stretch of my colon) about 5 years ago. I was in a boating accident, took to the ER via ambulance where they checked my internals via CT scan when mine was discovered. It then clicked in my head that I had had diverticulitis a few times but never went to the doctor (NEVER DO THIS!), I'm stubborn sometimes. I had to have a colonoscopy and barium, both suck but there are far worse things right. I don't even watch what I eat and I never flare *knocks on wood*, and remember I have a very large stretch from 1-2 feet of my colon that are effected.

I hope that set your mind at ease a bit. Just recently I was sitting making small talk in a waiting room with an elderly lady that said she was diagnosed in her 20's and had never had a flare. She mentioned the only thing she avoids is nuts. I eat them every day. There's no real evidence that certain foods get caught in the outpouchings.

01-29-2014, 11:19 AM
Hey rhan I have stomach issues too. That's how my latest bout of anxiety started. I feel tension in my stomach/abdomen a lot of the time and I'm trying to accept it's all part of my anxiety. Good luck with the tests etc. x

It really sucks because I'm afraid to eat due to the tight feeling in my stomach that scares me!!!...thank you for relating, its nice to know Im not alone!

01-29-2014, 11:20 AM
Don't let if bother you. :)

I was diagnosed with it (a large stretch of my colon) about 5 years ago. I was in a boating accident, took to the ER via ambulance where they checked my internals via CT scan when mine was discovered. It then clicked in my head that I had had diverticulitis a few times but never went to the doctor (NEVER DO THIS!), I'm stubborn sometimes. I had to have a colonoscopy and barium, both suck but there are far worse things right. I don't even watch what I eat and I never flare *knocks on wood*, and remember I have a very large stretch from 1-2 feet of my colon that are effected.

I hope that set your mind at ease a bit. Just recently I was sitting making small talk in a waiting room with an elderly lady that said she was diagnosed in her 20's and had never had a flare. She mentioned the only thing she avoids is nuts. I eat them every day. There's no real evidence that certain foods get caught in the outpouchings.

Im more afraid its something worse. Not really scared of diverticulosis or diverticulitis. thank you for the kind words :)

01-29-2014, 11:37 AM
Try not to worry too much. Your mind will be put at ease tomorrow I think. :)

01-29-2014, 11:39 AM
Try not to worry too much. Your mind will be put at ease tomorrow I think. :)

I hope so! Thank you!!!

01-29-2014, 02:48 PM
I havent eaten yet today...only broth. trying liquid diet for today to see if it helps...I feel like my intestines are blocked in a certain spot. Would that for sure show up on the CT scan I had done?

01-29-2014, 02:53 PM
Hmmm… I had a really bad pain in my lower left abdomen a little while ago and ever since then my stomach just hasn't bee right! I have docs tomorrow so going to talk about it then

01-29-2014, 02:57 PM
If your intestines were blocked it wouldn't be diverticular disease (diverticulosis). I'm just heading out the door to pick my kid up from school, but does it hurt quite a lot when you push on your lower left abdomen and does it hurt to walk at all. Have you had any spasming lately in that area or any low grade fevers lately? I'll try to reply when I can. Liquid diet is prob not a bad idea until tomorrow's appointment, definitely not going to hurt.

Good luck!! :)

01-29-2014, 02:59 PM
Hmmm… I had a really bad pain in my lower left abdomen a little while ago and ever since then my stomach just hasn't bee right! I have docs tomorrow so going to talk about it then

Let me know how it goes pls! Im very bloated and more on my left side. Pain varies but its more pressure than anything. I dont want to eat much because I don't like the feeling...My appointment is in the morning. Really hoping I get some answers and hope you feel better too!

01-29-2014, 03:01 PM
If your intestines were blocked it wouldn't be diverticular disease (diverticulosis). I'm just heading out the door to pick my kid up from school, but does it hurt quite a lot when you push on your lower left abdomen and does it hurt to walk at all. Have you had any spasming lately in that area or any low grade fevers lately? I'll try to reply when I can. Liquid diet is prob not a bad idea until tomorrow's appointment, definitely not going to hurt.

Good luck!! :)

Well I have read that your instestines can get blocked from it, but maybe even partially.....I dont know. Just fearing the worst as always! :(

01-29-2014, 03:28 PM
Not according to the surgeon I spoke with when mine was first discovered but we know how that goes right. Once opinion is different than the next. A blockage would def show up on a CT

01-29-2014, 04:57 PM
Not according to the surgeon I spoke with when mine was first discovered but we know how that goes right. Once opinion is different than the next. A blockage would def show up on a CT

Ok ty...Hoping to get answers tomorrow.