View Full Version : Bad day

01-29-2014, 02:13 AM
Iv woken up feeling rather anxious and I'm so tired and dreading work. I want to leave and dread going every day to the point where I get so anxious about being there. I'm due on my period which doesn't help as I find it makes me feel anxious and tired and generally unwell but I don't know what to do all I want is to stay at home in bed :( any ideas?

01-29-2014, 06:40 AM
Is it your job itself that makes you dread work or is it because your scared of having a panic attack whilst at work??? I've had a few jobs where I've dreaded going and its sooo hard to get that push to want to go!! Are you on any meds for your anxiety??

01-29-2014, 07:17 AM
See if you can use work as that thing that will distract your mind. I find that staying home in bed, even though I may be tired, only makes me feel more anxious. What do you do?

01-29-2014, 07:27 AM
How are your stomach pains littleone?

01-29-2014, 08:06 AM
Is it your job itself that makes you dread work or is it because your scared of having a panic attack whilst at work??? I've had a few jobs where I've dreaded going and its sooo hard to get that push to want to go!! Are you on any meds for your anxiety??

I think it is just because I'm bored and want to leave here as I'm not appreciated either and always doing stuff for everyone else. I'm not on any meds no

01-29-2014, 08:07 AM
How are your stomach pains littleone?

Stomachs been getting better slowly but I'm getting there I'm not taking any meds I'm having CBT and iv got support from my bf and my family. Iv had a scan to check for gallstones etc so waiting for a review on that

01-29-2014, 09:10 AM
I think it is just because I'm bored and want to leave here as I'm not appreciated either and always doing stuff for everyone else. I'm not on any meds no

I would defo think about changing jobs because that can be a really hard thing to deal with! Thats good... and hows your anxiety when you're not at work?

01-29-2014, 01:44 PM
I would defo think about changing jobs because that can be a really hard thing to deal with! Thats good... and hows your anxiety when you're not at work?

Iv been looking and want a change and something new but I'm scared to take that step. I love sticking with 'safe' things if that makes sense and I'm afraid I will get bad if I do something new that I'm not used to. When I'm off the next day I sleep so well and I feel fine. When I know iv got work I dread going to bed at night an most of the time I have nightmares even if they Arnt related to work

01-29-2014, 01:46 PM
Cheer up twerp!!!...You were doing so much better, so snap outta this funk!.. :)


01-29-2014, 02:24 PM
I get that its really hard to switch jobs! It can be really overwhelming but if its making you ill hun, you need to do something about it! What is it about your job you hate??

02-26-2014, 01:24 PM
Iv come to a point now where I had 5 days off as holiday n then cried the next two days on way to work I was dreading it that much. I didn't want to b there n had panic attacks there both days n yesterday gave myself a migraine I couldn't even look at the light it hurt my eyes so I walked out. N now I don't want to go back. I dread it that much I cry the night before n on the way. I don't enjoy it coz it's not busy I work in a shop n there's not much conversation yesterday I spent from getting up at 8 til 12 not talking to anyone as everyone was out at home when I went to work and then 10-12 I was on my own at work. Said hello to a few customers. I spend my days trying to distract myself but there's literally nothing to do :(

02-26-2014, 01:41 PM
Iv come to a point now where I had 5 days off as holiday n then cried the next two days on way to work I was dreading it that much. I didn't want to b there n had panic attacks there both days n yesterday gave myself a migraine I couldn't even look at the light it hurt my eyes so I walked out. N now I don't want to go back. I dread it that much I cry the night before n on the way. I don't enjoy it coz it's not busy I work in a shop n there's not much conversation yesterday I spent from getting up at 8 til 12 not talking to anyone as everyone was out at home when I went to work and then 10-12 I was on my own at work. Said hello to a few customers. I spend my days trying to distract myself but there's literally nothing to do :(

I can relate. When it first started, I always thought it was my job, my classes, something specific that I could change to make my situation better. Then the same feelings followed me from job to job, class to class, everywhere. I am somewhat of an introvert who works in a field that requires me to communicate with a whole lot of different disciplines, team work and public interaction so that probably doesn't help my issues but it can be an excellent distraction. Maybe you could benefit from a more engaging job? something that has you interacting with others more? I find myself dreading going into work (especially when I've had an extended amount of days of) but once I'm there, it can be somewhat of a relief. The odd times I allow my anxiety to get the best of me & I don't go in, my anxiety sky-rockets with worries of losing my job, and other worst case scenario ideas relating to my work.

I do hope you feel better!

02-26-2014, 01:47 PM
I can relate. When it first started, I always thought it was my job, my classes, something specific that I could change to make my situation better. Then the same feelings followed me from job to job, class to class, everywhere. I am somewhat of an introvert who works in a field that requires me to communicate with a whole lot of different disciplines, team work and public interaction so that probably doesn't help my issues but it can be an excellent distraction. Maybe you could benefit from a more engaging job? something that has you interacting with others more? I find myself dreading going into work (especially when I've had an extended amount of days of) but once I'm there, it can be somewhat of a relief. The odd times I allow my anxiety to get the best of me & I don't go in, my anxiety sky-rockets with worries of losing my job, and other worst case scenario ideas relating to my work. I do hope you feel better!

Yes I thought that about having a few days off didn't help bt 2 days into the 5 I had off I started thinking I didn't Wna go back. Then the thought of it was bringing on a panic attack I would become stressed and angry and really horrible person to be around. Was thinking of ways to get out of it like breaking a leg or something or running away throwing my phone away and never coming back. I was makin proper plans in my head to get around it and then I realised this wasn't normal and yes people dread work after time off bt this was serious. Then Sunday night I felt scared and panicky that I had to go back Monday. :(. I need stuff to do my last job I was always really busy and never had time to stop and this one is dead