View Full Version : I f*cking love panic attacks!! :d

01-28-2014, 06:49 PM
I've never felt so good. I had panic attacks for 2 months and now I can finally control them. How?? I watched some video on youtube, you should check it out. I give all the credit to him. Here it is: (just put "www" in front of the link)


I'm not a spammer and this is completly free. I just want to help others and get this information through :)

ENJOY your panic attacks while you still can. Love them, love the feeling, love the symptoms!!

01-28-2014, 06:56 PM
I've never felt so good. I had panic attacks for 2 months and now I can finally control them. How?? I watched some video on youtube, you should check it out. I give all the credit to him. Here it is: (just put "www" in front of the link)


I'm not a spammer and this is completly free. I just want to help others and get this information through :)

ENJOY your panic attacks while you still can. Love them, love the feeling, love the symptoms!!

Im going right now and watching it 100 times

Im gonna be healed!

Yee haw Im leavin you bitches behind!

01-28-2014, 07:22 PM
Im going right now and watching it 100 times

Im gonna be healed!

Yee haw Im leavin you bitches behind!

Never said you're gonna be fully "healed" but It will sure help someone. It helped me alot :P

01-28-2014, 07:27 PM
This thread is gonna get sooo many views in the archives. :)

I'll try and watch the vid tomorrow as it's pretty late here now!

Olive Yew
01-28-2014, 07:34 PM
Ironically, i did the same things this guy says to do and I stumbled upon them. I didn't know about this video until now. :P hems right, it works.

01-28-2014, 07:35 PM
I haven't seen all of it. Eh, I agree with some things he says, a lot of the things he says are great and very true, but "learn to love your attacks"? uh..bullshit, sorry, but panic attacks are the body's alarm system... the purpose of them is not to be enjoyed..it's to make you aware and alert of danger, if they were not UNPLEASANT, they would not be doing their jobs.. that's not to say, you should fear them, educating yourself about them is good, realizing they won't hurt you is good.. but you're never gonna love them..

Say your car breaks down, you're stuck out in a dark alley you've gotta walk through to get a phone, the feelings of anxiety come on, and you're "loving the feeling?" No, you're not, it feels awful as you're in a place you've never been before, there could be potential muggers, or rapists afoot, you just wanna get home, but you're not sure how you're gonna get home, and that uncomfortable feeling will only be relieved til you know you're safe, and home again, that's how anxiety works.

01-28-2014, 07:36 PM
Ironically, i did the same things this guy says to do and I stumbled upon them. I didn't know about this video until now. :P hems right, it works.

What's the principle of the vid Olive? Is it like a Nixon style, embrace and love the panic attack kind of theme?

Vids like that are peaceful to watch :)

01-28-2014, 07:38 PM
Nvm Olive. Applecherry already kind of answered my question!

Olive Yew
01-28-2014, 07:45 PM
What's the principle of the vid Olive? Is it like a Nixon style, embrace and love the panic attack kind of theme? Vids like that are peaceful to watch :)

No. Essentially he says learn to breathe through your attacks. Breathe in 1 2 3 4 hold 2 3 4 out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Then cut out diet soda completely along with anything that has aspartame. It's causes cancer and is the leading cause for anxiety attacks. Then for like a week, cut out caffeine until your blood can regulate again. Once you learn to control the panic ATTACKS, you start working with the anxiety disorder. You recognize that your body is testing you and that you're not actually in any danger, no matter how bad it may feel. If you're in public, there's bound to be a bathroom near by. If you start freaking out, head to the bathroom, deep breathe, get yourself under control, and then return to whatever you were doing feeling accomplished because you didnt let it control you. He also explains some of the side effects like why your chest hurts, why your extremities go numb, why you get dizzy and nauseous.

01-28-2014, 07:48 PM
Ah I see! Thanks. Yep, that aspartame is pretty nasty stuff!

01-28-2014, 07:51 PM
The video is way too long for me to watch right now, I skipped some towards the end, and he's talking about demons and warding them off?? hmm... I don't know what to make of this guy, he's super into paranormal? very religious? I have no problem with spiritual people, or those who believe in god, but I have to say, I have never felt that anxiety is "demons in your head or body".. It is simply doubt in your head, and that's all it is.. again, I whole heartedly say anxiety is there to help us, though it sucks, and it's horrible dealing with.. While the symptoms need to be controlled, you are not being "possessed by demons" and that is NOT the cause of your anxiety..well, unless you live in a haunted house with angry spirits or something.. *scratches head*

01-28-2014, 07:58 PM
I haven't seen all of it. Eh, I agree with some things he says, a lot of the things he says are great and very true, but "learn to love your attacks"? uh..bullshit, sorry, but panic attacks are the body's alarm system... the purpose of them is not to be enjoyed..it's to make you aware and alert of danger, if they were not UNPLEASANT, they would not be doing their jobs.. that's not to say, you should fear them, educating yourself about them is good, realizing they won't hurt you is good.. but you're never gonna love them..

Say your car breaks down, you're stuck out in a dark alley you've gotta walk through to get a phone, the feelings of anxiety come on, and you're "loving the feeling?" No, you're not, it feels awful as you're in a place you've never been before, there could be potential muggers, or rapists afoot, you just wanna get home, but you're not sure how you're gonna get home, and that uncomfortable feeling will only be relieved til you know you're safe, and home again, that's how anxiety works.

Well, I myself have learned that you can see everything from different perspectives. You can either see it from a "positive" point of view or a "negative" point of view. What causes panic attacks? Fear. If you're afraid of a panic attack, you will eventually ending up having one. If you don't fear them, it'll most likely not happen. If you WANT them to happen, will they happen at all? I mean, try it. Get a panic attack now. See, it's almost impossible to have it, when you WANT to have it. I myself don't agree with everything he says. But his video did helped me alot, he has alot of good information that everyone with panic attacks should know.

The situation won't be better if you hate it. Therefore, learn to love it :P

01-28-2014, 08:02 PM
The video is way too long for me to watch right now, I skipped some towards the end, and he's talking about demons and warding them off?? hmm... I don't know what to make of this guy, he's super into paranormal? very religious? I have no problem with spiritual people, or those who believe in god, but I have to say, I have never felt that anxiety is "demons in your head or body".. It is simply doubt in your head, and that's all it is.. again, I whole heartedly say anxiety is there to help us, though it sucks, and it's horrible dealing with.. While the symptoms need to be controlled, you are not being "possessed by demons" and that is NOT the cause of your anxiety..well, unless you live in a haunted house with angry spirits or something.. *scratches head*

Yeah. You don't have to pick up everything he says. I don't agree with him @ that last part either.

01-28-2014, 08:09 PM
True, if you don't fear them, they don't have effect over you.. but here's the thing, when I'm in my less anxious periods, I almost laugh at the attacks I had that got me all upset, cause they have no effect on me when I'm feeling better (which is great)..but when I'm anxious again, those same attacks, will feel just as scary as before, even though I know they are stupid, they still feel upsetting.. the only good part of that is, I know it's kind of a cycle and there will be ups and downs..but it still never goes away completey..unfortunately, anxiety never will go away completely. It may lesson over time when you start to feel better about life/ or whatever.. but if you're under a load of stress, it hangs around.. :(

01-28-2014, 08:19 PM
I've never felt so good. I had panic attacks for 2 months and now I can finally control them. How?? I watched some video on youtube, you should check it out. I give all the credit to him. Here it is: (just put "www" in front of the link)


I'm not a spammer and this is completly free. I just want to help others and get this information through :)

ENJOY your panic attacks while you still can. Love them, love the feeling, love the symptoms!!

Integrative approach it sounds like. Thank you for sharing. Peace

01-28-2014, 08:32 PM
I do not get it, he is in sun glasses and trying to convince people that lord and Abraham have it under control:)) I am allergic to the first word obviously. He is just summing up what he learned on internet.
nothing exceptional, but nice face and manners..... Good teeth, :)))

it must be the leftover from my career as a dental technician

01-28-2014, 08:46 PM
I do not get it, he is in sun glasses and trying to convince people that lord and Abraham have it under control:)) I am allergic to the first word obviously. He is just summing up what he learned on internet. nothing exceptional, but nice face and manners..... Good teeth, :))) it must be the leftover from my career as a dental technician

Why doesn't it surprise me that you say "good teeth?"

01-28-2014, 08:53 PM
I said what you were thinking..... he shows them a lot, a lot:)

Hmm If i closed my eyes , took the swearing out of it and i would swear i was watching a Scientology video .

good point, tomorrow I am going to listen it again. I could not finish it up today, after the lord and Abraham.....:)))

01-28-2014, 08:55 PM
I said what you were thinking..... he shows them a lot, a lot:)

White teeth and fresh breath are a priority in my life so I can feel where he is comin from

01-29-2014, 01:35 AM
"But if there is one thing i will never understand it is why one person thinks that their problem is just the same as every ones else . If it was that bloody simply then there would be one cure."

When it comes to anxiety, the symptoms are kind of the same for each sufferer, though caused by different things. and the levels of how bad it is from person to person very of course. but treatment really comes down to focusing on finding ways to relax, understand the cause of the anxiety, and how it works, why it's there.. and making it a goal to change the way you handle it, and not let it get in the way of your life. Anxiety and depression go hand and hand, so really, the best medicine for both, is slowly working on changing the situations that are causing you to feel the depression and anxiety you feel.

Obviously one person's method for handing attacks isn't gonna work for everybody, personally, I have never found breathing exercises to work one bit for me, I prefer exercise and just moving.. but anyway, video or sharing their stories of how they are coping is a good thing to be shared, so other people with anxiety can learn tips. I mean, I wouldn't even have half the understanding I have of anxiety now, if it weren't for some great advice I've gotten through a lot of help from other people over the years.

01-29-2014, 04:23 PM

I think there is a HUGE difference between passing on good strong information which is helpful and trying to ram your own personal issues down someones throat .

I find that this YouTube, although had some good information ( mostly around the panic side of things ) lost alot of creditability with me when he wants to tell people what they should do and not do .

I am sure the rant about that you should never take meds does more harm than it does good . Anxiety no matter what anxiety, needs to be fought on a personally level , with each case looked at and the effect that that anxiety is having on that person. When one person wishes to toss their options that just because their way helped them that this is the only way and is the way everyone should do it , then we end up helping some but then we end up hurting others .

I love the way that such people like to tell you about all the people that they have helped out but there is never any mention of the ones they didnt help . I have seen people here change in weeks from simply understanding whats happening but i have also seen it by simply taking meds . The later i hope use this time to learn but belive that many dont and will be back . Its not that meds are the problem but that they are not using them as they are intend to be used as a aid to help move on .

You see anxiety is not just about fear , yes fear plays a large part in keeping you there but it is often other factors that got you there such as stress , the working of the human body itself also plays a large part . Often a person may be able to change their reaction to fears but because of stressful things that they can not change at this time or the fact that their anxiety is so high that it is all most impossible to change they may need the additional help of meds .

I do not like meds and in fact if it was not for meds i would not be in this mess but in saying that if it was not for people such as this guy and his spewing of how bad and harmful meds are then i might have taken meds along time ago and moved pass this a lot more than i have in the last five years . I spent five years fighting something that i could never win simply because it was in my body and not in my mind . In all that time all i was doing was fighting and not healing because all i had strength for was fighting . I do not believe that meds heal but they can be part of such healing.

If someone anxiety is mild then yes meds may bring more problems to the mix but there are people here that i see that the only way they will move on is to get the help from meds . Because with their problem, although they have been brainwashed into believing that it is fear is in fact nothing more than stress that is being caused from having to face the most horrible symptoms daily or in fact a body that is not working as it should be because it is so out of balance from when the anxiety was bought on and they are fighting this .

Again yes anxiety can be about fear but lets face it there is not a person around that would not feel panic from the symptoms because that it what they are meant to do.

The whole problem with mental health and this is on every single level from therapist to the people suffering is that there is some sort of dissociation that the brain and the body are two different things that do not work together .

This is not a dig at you but a simply fact that for some meds can be as dramatic as life and death when it comes down to it and it is people like this i truly believe are playing with peoples lives . Trust me when i speak, i speak from experience , that i have had the most horrible symptoms bought about from meds but i would never tell someone that may benifit from meds that would help them move on not to take them.


Well, I do agree with you in that case, I think meds are a good thing for anxious people. I have been taking Zoloft for nearly 2 years, it's not a magical cure for my anxiety by any means, when they first kicked in for me, I started feeling good again for about 5 or 6 months, then some life stressors were hitting me again, and I got my first panic attack in ages, that was hard to deal with.. I would bet many people like me first starting on meds think they are gonna protect you from anxiety, but they don't. They simply cut down on symptoms caused by adrenalin.

but yeah, I do agree, that guy was pretty full of himself, and had not really in my opinion experienced quite the level of anxiety disorder to know what he was talking about (he might at some point) but not as of now. He was just a bit cocky thinking he had the answers, and that he knew how to rid of anxiety forever. I at one point thought the same til several more bouts with it. You start to pick up, that it's not gonna go anywhere..that it comes and goes.. the type of medication someone would need definitely does vary, but also really think finding ways to feel good by getting into hobbies and making friends really works so much better than anything else.