View Full Version : I don't understand!!!!!!

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:53 PM
This forum is about getting together and helping each other out, however whenever I ask somebody to answer my question, they reply saying "later" or they just act miserable. If you're gonna be in a mood then don't use the forum!!!!!! Christ sake's. They never even answer my questions anyway. Jesse and nixon seem to be the only people to answer my questions, I'm sorry if they are useless but I'm asking for advice and some people are telling me they will answer my question and they never do, or they just be plain rude. I'm sorry if I'm being rude but it pisses me off, I come on here to talk to people and help people, and their not doing the same for me. I don't care if I seem rude but I'm fed up of being nice to people, and they just rub me off as being annoying or a pain. There rant over!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-28-2014, 06:02 PM
Well well well. Way to go Kyle!! It's good to meet you...again, but as for the first time. Let that shit out! We're big boys and girls here.
Peace bro

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:07 PM
Well well well. Way to go Kyle!! It's good to meet you...again, but as for the first time. Let that shit out! We're big boys and girls here.
Peace bro

I didn't mean to offend anyone, It's just that I had to say it

01-28-2014, 06:10 PM
No you did well I mean that. This is what you needed to do day one, with friends, the girl and the people you let shit all over you. It just seems to be toward us here, who care about

you. But hey we all start somewhere. Congrats Bro! Peace

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:14 PM
No you did well I mean that. This is what you needed to do day one, with friends, the girl and the people you let shit all over you. It just seems to be toward us here, who care about

you. But hey we all start somewhere. Congrats Bro! Peace

I didn't intend to have a go at you, I can't really say if people care about me on here since they don't even know me but I understand what you mean.

01-28-2014, 06:27 PM
I'm cool man. I am with ya being pissed, there is a time for everything. Please though, the girl the squids you call friends, let's leave them behind. You my man are the subject now.

Forwell said it very well. Please pay close attention. Dissect that a while my friend.

Peace Bro, trust me we care, if we didn't you'd sure know about it. Quick!

01-28-2014, 06:31 PM
I will check the link when I get home, Kyle I promise, and I answered your question, it took some time though. :)

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:35 PM
I'm cool man. I am with ya being pissed, there is a time for everything. Please though, the girl the squids you call friends, let's leave them behind. You my man are the subject now.

Forwell said it very well. Please pay close attention. Dissect that a while my friend.

Peace Bro, trust me we care, if we didn't you'd sure know about it. Quick!

What can I do to forget about her quickly. My male friend absolutely despises her now because of all the lies and bullshit she was saying about him, she was crying to me on the phone saying that he was abusing her and that she was going to phone the police, but all my friend did was add her on facebook and ask her what's her problem with me, and that she should treat me a bit better as a friend because of what I was going through. She started calling him ugly, was swearing at him, saying vulgar insults which were not needed. At the time I felt bad for her because I was annoyed at him for what I thought he had done, my male friend showed my the whole chat a few days ago and he didn't say anything, he just defended himself from all the shit she was saying to him.