View Full Version : What to do with myself?

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:29 PM
The Girl who I have been speaking about in these forums said I was the most ugliest person that she had ever seen, I've been called ugly for whole of my life, and it's really affected me. I find it difficult to be confident in myself when I have been called ugly since I was 7. Here is a link, most of you probably think I'm hideous https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=1&theater. I've had so many people call me it that I find it difficult to keep positive. What should I do.

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:32 PM
Give me suggestions

01-28-2014, 05:34 PM
Says the pic is unavailable.

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Says the pic is unavailable.

I think you seen the pic, I can't remember. Here it is https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1393528874237289&set=a.1386511944938982.1073741826.100007405692655&type=1&theater

01-28-2014, 05:42 PM
What do you look like without the hat, and closer up?

It's hard to judge you in that pic, partly cos you look really down :)

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:45 PM
What do you look like without the hat, and closer up?

It's hard to judge you in that pic, partly cos you look really down :)

Since it's my new Facebook, I haven't had a chance to upload that many photos. I'm also nervous of having photos taken, it's not that I'm sad, it's just that I find it difficult to relax when someone's taking a photo of me

01-28-2014, 05:48 PM
I think you seen the pic, I can't remember. Here it is https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1393528874237289&set=a.1386511944938982.1073741826.100007405692655&type=1&theater

I said it before the people who call you ugly are ugly.
When I was in elementary school, a century ago, people did not like that I did not attend mass in church, I was called such ugly names. thank heaven I survive but not without the scars. I was so terrified that it will repeat itself in secondary school. Anxiety was very high, at 14. I went to Fine art school and people there were wonderful. No one called me anything, but I was pretty closed up already and suffering with insomnia and fear......
I probably understand you better than you think Kyle...
why I have no spell check in work?
I am paying the price,,,,,in your situation I think is pure pressure, young people copy the ones they think they are cool. the technology help to bully others on internet, It should be panished by law.

BTw I was really beautiful and graceful in my young years. I do not think it has anything with the way you look.

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:57 PM
There is also this guy from youtube, who used to be in my school who constantly bullied me and called me ugly. This is his youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8cr4tvcaXn0ItTWTycIvgQ

01-28-2014, 06:00 PM
There is also this guy from youtube, who used to be in my school who constantly bullied me and called me ugly. This is his youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8cr4tvcaXn0ItTWTycIvgQ

That guys uglier than you... You've got an Indy look. He just looks like he's got 9 chins.

And for that girl to say that to you, she's got issues. Even if you looked like Quasimodo, for her to say that to you shows right now at least she doesn't have a pretty soul.

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:05 PM
That guys uglier than you... You've got an Indy look. He just looks like he's got 9 chins.

And for that girl to say that to you, she's got issues. Even if you looked like Quasimoda, for her to say that to you shows right now at least she doesn't have a pretty soul.

Thanks, that guy has been giving me shit for years. He said that I should die for being this ugly

01-28-2014, 06:11 PM
Kyle - you should cut that hair like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction

Walk out your house, whistle to the heartless neighbor, flip her off, then walkaround like you own the place

Just act the part

Watch the difference that people see and act towards you

Ya gotta start somewhere

01-28-2014, 06:14 PM
Thanks, that guy has been giving me shit for years. He said that I should die for being this ugly

I wouldn't worry about that, people said the same thing to me many times. People used to say to me they felt sorry for me being so ugly, and then punched me saying they couldn't help it they just hated my face -- lol.

I was a late bloomer. Some kids get their testosterone or growth spurts in before the others and pick on the slower ones. It all balances out by the time you're 22 though. Now I have a hot girlfriend and kill it in sales, and I think I saw one kid who used to insult me handout specsaver leaflets.

All that doesn't matter unless you want it to.

That guys a pudgy little toad looking kid, and he's what 18/19 and he's balding. Look at those weak temples. 5 years and it's RIP to his hairline.

You're a man now. Let the dumbness of school go. It's a different ball game in adulthood! Things can flip around! ;)

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:18 PM
Kyle - you should cut that hair like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction

Walk out your house, whistle to the heartless neighbor, flip her off, then walkaround like you own the place

Just act the part

Watch the difference that people see and act towards you

Ya gotta start somewhere

Yeah that sounds cool lol but It's difficult because I've always been quiet, to just suddenly act that way would be strange to her. Maybe I should try something to increase my confidence so that I believe more in myself

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:21 PM
I wouldn't worry about that, people said the same thing to me many times. People used to say to me they felt sorry for me being so ugly, and then punched me saying they couldn't help it they just hated my face -- lol.

I was a late bloomer. Some kids get their testosterone or growth spurts in before the others and pick on the slower ones. It all balances out by the time you're 22 though. Now I have a hot girlfriend and kill it in sales, and I think I saw one kid who used to insult me handout specsaver leaflets.

All that doesn't matter unless you want it to.

That guys a pudgy little toad looking kid, and he's what 18/19 and he's balding. Look at those weak temples. 5 years and it's RIP to his hairline.

You're a man now. Let the dumbness of school go. It's a different ball game in adulthood! Things can flip around! ;)

Haha it's good that dicks like that get what they deserve. Yeah I'll try and forget about it

01-28-2014, 06:24 PM
You'll find your way, kyle

The tough stuff builds your character and will make you the person you want to be

Hard to see that now, Im sure

But its true

01-28-2014, 06:28 PM

I would definitely say that anyone saying this type of thing is a shallow b#tch. I'm sorry but you're better off. Speaking from experience, I have known people in my past that I wouldn't consider physically attractive... Until I got to know them... And then you realize the amazing personality that is there. Frankly, really good looking people often think that's all they need to get by and CAN, not always, be real jerks. They lack in the personality department. Either way, for someone to say that to someone is extremely harsh.

And I agree with the above comments on cutting the hair UNLESS you're totally into it. You could donate it to locks of love or something. Chicks dig dudes that do selfless things like that.

01-28-2014, 06:32 PM
Mommys nailed it!

Plus she's hot too. Always listen to the hot chicks Kyle, a valuable life lesson for you lol ;)

01-28-2014, 06:33 PM
I'm looking at your bully's YouTube page again. He's so full of himself. Don't become that bad, but a little extra confidence is gonna do you good.

Get in touch with that life loving inner Kylester!

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:37 PM
I'm looking at your bully's YouTube page again. He's so full of himself. Don't become that bad, but a little extra confidence is gonna do you good.

Get in touch with that life loving inner Kylester!

Yeah I could do with more confidence, what's Matthew been saying. I've only ever checked one of his videos. What do you think of him

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:37 PM

I would definitely say that anyone saying this type of thing is a shallow b#tch. I'm sorry but you're better off. Speaking from experience, I have known people in my past that I wouldn't consider physically attractive... Until I got to know them... And then you realize the amazing personality that is there. Frankly, really good looking people often think that's all they need to get by and CAN, not always, be real jerks. They lack in the personality department. Either way, for someone to say that to someone is extremely harsh.

And I agree with the above comments on cutting the hair UNLESS you're totally into it. You could donate it to locks of love or something. Chicks dig dudes that do selfless things like that.

Thank you, you gave me some good advice there. Thanks I appreciate it :)

01-28-2014, 06:38 PM
Mommys nailed it! Plus she's hot too. Always listen to the hot chicks Kyle, a valuable life lesson for you lol ;) Hahah!!! Hilarious. I wouldn't say that at all but Thank you Jesse... It's a confidence boost for sure :)

01-28-2014, 06:38 PM
I'm looking at your bully's YouTube page again. He's so full of himself. Don't become that bad, but a little extra confidence is gonna do you good.

Get in touch with that life loving inner Kylester!

We could crush his comment section on YouTube

We shouldn't

Should we?

Nah, he's a dick

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:40 PM
We could crush his comment section on YouTube

We shouldn't

Should we?

Nah, he's a dick

Wow do you really think that, at first I thought it was just me that he liked to bully. He always told me I was a waste of space

01-28-2014, 06:44 PM
Nixon, I couldn't possibly comment viciously on another human beings comment section on YouTube!

What I will do however, is be a good neighbour, and bring to light to his worsening baldness problem and suggest he gets on some very strong medications for it ASAP, as such being bald with such a bloated face and with bone structure as weak as his, will surely ruin his life.

Around 100 x, just so the wise words sink in:)

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 06:59 PM
Nixon, I couldn't possibly comment viciously on another human beings comment section on YouTube!

What I will do however, is be a good neighbour, and bring to light to his worsening baldness problem and suggest he gets on some very strong medications for it ASAP, as such being bald with such a bloated face and with bone structure as weak as his, will surely ruin his life.

Around 100 x, just so the wise words sink in:)

Haha are you really going to do it?

01-28-2014, 06:59 PM
That will make the rest of his hair fall out

01-28-2014, 07:00 PM
Haha are you really going to do it?

Jesse walks the talk

01-28-2014, 07:13 PM

Made a quick fake account and gave my new 'mate' some friendly advice!

01-28-2014, 07:18 PM
Pahahahahah... So funny.

01-28-2014, 07:25 PM
Pahahahahah... So funny.

Worryingly I was being serious with the young man, I just used a fake name so he wouldn't link back to my Facebook and see Kyle :-O

01-28-2014, 08:15 PM
I couldn't get through the video. It was stupid

I'm gonna look at your comments once on my laptop

01-28-2014, 08:22 PM

Made a quick fake account and gave my new 'mate' some friendly advice!

Jessed you are tough hehehehe... I should not laugh but is difficult no to :))

01-28-2014, 09:26 PM
Kyle, you're not hideous at all! I'm going to troll the fuck out of that kid who bullied you.

01-28-2014, 09:29 PM
Plus, you're way more attractive than he is. I just clicked on the YT link. He does not have any room to talk, seriously. HAHA. He's a joke.

On the inside, I'm pretty sure he feels insecure about himself and justifies himself through bullying other people. It's sad that you had to be the victim of that.

01-29-2014, 05:42 PM
Ok here we go. For one, your a beautiful person, INSIDE AND OUT! Fuck what other people think.. You are you! And nothing is more beautiful than that.

That YouTube guy, is a faggot.. I watched one of his videos .. How.. Lord HOW does he say bad shit about other people.. He is hideous inside and out! And that bitch.. Fuck her, she is no good than that ugly YouTube guy. You don't need that.

Abit about me, I have ugly duck syndrome.. Meaning, I was once ugly and now am not. I used to get bullied a lot 'fat, ugly' because I was so insecure I let people walk all over me.. The guys that used to bully me when I was unattractive, see me now and hit on me.. NO JOKE. Now I'm not saying I'm hot and I'm NOT up myself.. I'm still EXTREMLY insecure.. But through hard work and dedication I became beautiful.. I feel beautiful.. And an happy within myself. I lost weight, gained muscle, and ofcource I do a lot of beauty things.. Waxing, get my nails done, hair done etc

You can be anything you want to be, I still have a long way to go.. But at least I can say I'm not that insecure lonely girl anymore, AND I kept my caring and awesome personality!' YOU CAN TOO!

Kyle Morgan
02-01-2014, 04:05 PM
Ok here we go. For one, your a beautiful person, INSIDE AND OUT! Fuck what other people think.. You are you! And nothing is more beautiful than that.

That YouTube guy, is a faggot.. I watched one of his videos .. How.. Lord HOW does he say bad shit about other people.. He is hideous inside and out! And that bitch.. Fuck her, she is no good than that ugly YouTube guy. You don't need that.

Abit about me, I have ugly duck syndrome.. Meaning, I was once ugly and now am not. I used to get bullied a lot 'fat, ugly' because I was so insecure I let people walk all over me.. The guys that used to bully me when I was unattractive, see me now and hit on me.. NO JOKE. Now I'm not saying I'm hot and I'm NOT up myself.. I'm still EXTREMLY insecure.. But through hard work and dedication I became beautiful.. I feel beautiful.. And an happy within myself. I lost weight, gained muscle, and ofcource I do a lot of beauty things.. Waxing, get my nails done, hair done etc

You can be anything you want to be, I still have a long way to go.. But at least I can say I'm not that insecure lonely girl anymore, AND I kept my caring and awesome personality!' YOU CAN TOO!

Thanks, I honestly don't know what to do about that girl

Kyle Morgan
02-01-2014, 04:06 PM
Plus, you're way more attractive than he is. I just clicked on the YT link. He does not have any room to talk, seriously. HAHA. He's a joke.

On the inside, I'm pretty sure he feels insecure about himself and justifies himself through bullying other people. It's sad that you had to be the victim of that.

Thanks Janey, He was like that in school, He would always act smug and show off in front of girls, girls would just walk past him and frown at him lol.