View Full Version : Is it normal for panic attacks to start with the same thought/sentence everytime?

01-28-2014, 12:23 PM
Almost everytime an attack starts for me, the same sentence or thought always runs through my head. It's "you knew this would happen again" and sometimes I get a second thought after that which is "I bet you didn't know you could predict the future" that occurs seconds before my mind starts racing and heart starts pounding. Sometimes the second sentence is in like a slow motion. Very hard to explain. Does this happen to anyone else???

01-28-2014, 12:56 PM

This is the same post as you had on the 15th. Go back and re-read the posts there for reassurance too. All this is anxiety related even with your other diagnosis, it is possible.

What meds are you on now and how much? Is your doc apt still the end of this month? How have you been?


01-28-2014, 02:48 PM
Mine always seem to start like that.

I have a stupid thought, start to worry, worry more, more and it gets worse if I don't deal with it and then would end up panicking.

Not sure if its the same for you but that's usually how my panic attacks would start, so now I try to deal with the thought as soon as it happens so I don't make it worse and keep thinking about it.