View Full Version : Conversation awkwardness

01-28-2014, 09:00 AM
Hey! I was wondering does anyone know how to start a conversation after you've said 'hello' and 'you ok?' Cause a teacher was speaking to me and i didn't even know what to reply and all i did was nod!:( i felt kind of bad!
And when i stand next to someone i always feel awkward cause that person has spoken to me but i haven't replied or spoke cause i don't know what to say!:( social anxiety sucks guys! Any suggestions?:/ x

01-28-2014, 09:45 AM
I don't think your teacher was looking for a lengthy conversation. That's just small talk. :) When someone asks you how you are, be sure to always ask how they are back. Then it's possible they can bring up a subject or end the small talk there. Typically "Hello, how are you?" conversations don't last long anyway. Don't feel bad! Usually the people asking aren't really looking for the honest answer of how you are, it's just a nicety. "I'm doing well, how are you?" is a perfect reply.

01-28-2014, 10:27 AM
Very true from Janey. A lot of social interaction is pretty meaningless, just something we do out of politeness. Thankfully you don't have to be a great conversationalist to small talk. You can say or ask anything boring or simple.

What time do you finish today?

I'm dreading the walk home, it's freezing

Any plans after work (maybe you wouldn't ask that to a teacher though)

That kind of stuff. You get your response, you smile, say something neutral 'oh not too long then' etc, and then leave :)

Or maybe they'll say something you can pick up on, and build on for more conversation topics.

Everyone expects small talk to be boring, so no pressure :)

01-28-2014, 10:46 AM
Okay thank you:)
I'll try my best:)

01-28-2014, 11:14 PM
Small talk is not my strongest suit, but my favorite way to bust conversation awkwardness is to talk about the weather.. works every time, because we can all say and offer opinions about how nice or terrible it is outside.... :)

02-02-2014, 01:17 PM
I should try that!;)
But speaking about the weather to a teacher is kinda weird hahah:p x