View Full Version : Feeling Rough

01-27-2014, 11:24 AM
Got a lift home from my dad today as ym car needed fixing. He always makes me anxious as he picks me up from the pub so i'm weary of how he drives. Started feeling a little bit off...somewhat giddy in my chest and head but nothing actually surfacing. Shortly afterwards I start getting left arm pain, bicep, shoulder, hand, back, bit of chest. I know that none of these are new but given how much they can hurt it's hard to endure with a level head sometimes. Heart rate fluttered here and there if I let emotions surface even more. Practiced correct breathing and it helped a bit but getting stuck in traffic near to home made the anxiety increase somewhat.

Get home feel a bit more secure but of course the pains are still here. I guess years of worrying about my heart means anxiety will often mimick heart related issues such as left arm pains, left side chest pains. Even been getting jaw numbness and left hand numbness. Both of those 2 are pretty new to me and when pains and symptoms start occuring one after the other or new ones come along as part of a set it starts to drive your emotions more.

Heart rates a little high and I took a propanalol when I got in. But i'm feeling quite on edge. Aches jumping around where they please so I know it can't be a heart attack...but often at times when it's left arm pains and quite severe I often find myself checking my pulse which is bad behaviour to practice I know.

Trying to calm down but it's a bit of struggle. I can see how the anxiety arose, I can understand the pains and such but sometimes it's so tough to ride it out. i know i'll wake up tomorrow and be fine but in the moment it's a bit difficult to see that far ahead and convince myself 100% that everything will be ok.


01-27-2014, 11:51 AM
If these is the way your symptoms go, then that's just what it is. Anxiety can be so…twisty. It seems like it finds new ways to scare us all the time. Just when we become comfortable with a symptom and confident in it's cause, our mind will switch it up to something else new and scary. I've had this happen lots of times. It is hard to ride it out, but you seem to have a good attitude about it.