View Full Version : I just dont know what to do

01-27-2014, 09:25 AM
Hello, Ive been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, i thought on a small scale. At some point i realzed it wqs much bigger than i though. I dont know if it was when my wife would get angry at me, in the middle of a "crisis" or when my 4 year old had to look at me abd say, "your ok, dad". Both where pretty eye opening to me though.
I worry about everything. I constantly think im dieing from sonething, or am terrified to do new things. I have a huge fear of medicines, which is my new biggest dilemma. My fak8ly has the flu and i litteraly stared at my tamiflu for 2 days before taking it. What do i do? I feel i have too many problems to list. Please help. Where do i start?

01-27-2014, 11:47 AM
This is your start!! Looking for something to help you feel better is a start!! You're already on the right path.

Be honest with yourself. Focus on facts, not fears. The tamiflu will keep you from getting sick. It's not going to hurt you. You're not allergic to it. It can only help you. Facts. (as far as I know)

Other than that, one day at a time. You know this is anxiety. Keep reminding yourself of that and that it can't really hurt you. You can do this. :)

01-27-2014, 02:46 PM
Thank you so much for the kind and encouragibg words. It really helped! I just feel so lost sometimes. Like the walls are coming in on me. I often pace, back and forth. Thank you.

01-27-2014, 03:52 PM
I wish i could tell you, i don't know where or when all of these irrational fears came on.

01-27-2014, 04:05 PM
I think lots of people are afraid to take medications. it's a fear of the unknown, like what could it do to me? What if it makes me sick? But, those are just fears. that's where we have to remind ourselves of the facts :)

01-27-2014, 08:36 PM
Thank everyone so much. Im so ashamed at how i feel that i dont get to vent to anyone. Its awesone to hear such supportive people, even though weve never met. Reading the stories on here has opened my eyes. Im not alone in this. Thats been my thought while pacing and worrying. That I've got no where to go and talk to someone. Thank you for listening.