View Full Version : Paranioa

01-27-2014, 07:34 AM
I feel like I'm living on Ice I'm scared and cold worried those around me are going to leave me I have medication to calm me down and I'm waiting to see a councillor, but I never used to be like that until my father died 5 years ago, since then iv been so frightened to the point I want to walk away from everyone so I can't get hurt, I suffer from GAD and complex trauma reactions, depressions and occasionally I have panic attacks, please I could do with some advice, many thanks

01-27-2014, 07:41 AM
I think your anxiety is the source, sounds more fearful than paranoid. Fear of loss, abandonment maybe? What medications do you have? Are you taking them properly?

01-27-2014, 07:49 AM
I only take diazepam when I'm near a panic attack or feeling really anxious, iv tried CBT but I still can't stop my mind from fearing loss

01-27-2014, 07:53 AM
Yes, understand that you have GAD and this is how you're wired. You have cause due to the trauma but try and cope by finding that which may help. The meds are important but talking about this with your counselor will also help a great deal. Stay calm...use positive self talk.

01-27-2014, 07:59 AM
I think you can, you simply haven't yet. I know what you feel like, been there. If I stopped it you can too. A therapist may help immensely. When you're down it's hard to get up, so

share here as much as you feel comfortable, and you'll hear lots of things that work, you'll come across one that works for you as well. Fearing loss usually originates in the belief that

you won't be okay if someone leaves you. That belief is not true. My wife left after 23 years of marriage, we were best friends married at 17 till 40. Out of the blue she said, time to

fly. It took a few months, but I learned if I was going to be okay it was up to me and nothing outside of me. It was like all my abandonment issues from childhood reared their heads

too. I made it out, you will too. Keep talking, reading and know you're in a great place. I must add this, my ex and I are friends, I wouldn't want that

back, and as hard as it was it was meant to be exactly that way. Thankfully we are both happy and at peace with one another. Peace

01-27-2014, 08:32 AM
You are anxious, not paranoid. Big difference. Alankay

01-27-2014, 10:23 AM
Thank you all for your words and encouragement it's nice to be in a place where we can all talk about each other's issues, I may be anxious but I am 100% paranoid when it comes to certain situations it's not just the anxiety although the anxiety does cause it massively, when my partner goes out I'm always obsessing on if she will find anyone better then me, am I good enough is she leaving me ect I lt scares me a lot.

01-27-2014, 10:26 AM
Okay so say she leaves. What's the worst case scenario? You will live, and still be as happy as you want to be. You'll still be you. It will hurt, but not forever.

If this is too personal pm me. Or just take it as rhetorical. You are concerned about your well being here, not what she does or does not do. Peace

01-27-2014, 10:42 AM
You are possessive and jealous ( synonymous). This can aggravate or trigger anxiety, but it can also be the reason you are anxious. If you fear abandonment and it takes you to the

extremes of jealousy ( I can't live without her thinking), you are suffering greatly. Assure yourself this WILL NOT help your relationships AT ALL. Most of all it will not help you. We

have been there, most of us, I know I have. It drives people away when we try and control them, even the ones who love us dearly will feel a need to escape us if we don't let up the

need to control and know every move they make. Peace

01-27-2014, 01:22 PM
You are possessive and jealous ( synonymous). This can aggravate or trigger anxiety, but it can also be the reason you are anxious. If you fear abandonment and it takes you to the

extremes of jealousy ( I can't live without her thinking), you are suffering greatly. Assure yourself this WILL NOT help your relationships AT ALL. Most of all it will not help you. We

have been there, most of us, I know I have. It drives people away when we try and control them, even the ones who love us dearly will feel a need to escape us if we don't let up the

need to control and know every move they make. Peace

Well said. Took the words right out of my mouth thanks!!