View Full Version : ER trips

02-23-2008, 03:50 AM
How many ER trips have you had to make? Its awful, especially if you live with people and they ask questions. its so embarrassing, i cant help but think everyone thinks im faking.

02-25-2008, 08:05 AM
I really only had one trip to the ER. Even though I only went one time I can relate to how you feel. It can feel embarrassing to explain it to other people who don't really understand what it's like to go through anxiety. The symptoms are so real but some people might not understand that. I remember when I first started experiencing anxiety I was still in highschool. I had to get a permanent early dismissal because I kept having anxiety attacks during my last class of the day. All of my friends just thought that I was using it as an excuse to get out of school. If only they knew that I was going to school every day just wishing that I could get through that last class of the day. So yeah, I know it can be hard, but those around you who really care about you will try their best to support your situation. And this website is always good because you can get feedback from others who are going through similar situations as you. Hang in there!