View Full Version : Getting a puppy for my kids seems to have been a major anxiety trigger :(

01-26-2014, 08:05 PM
I'm pushing through it my kids love animals and really wanted a dog. Dog is a 10 week old chihuahua...and i find my mind is consumed mostly with worry, worry I wont get him potty trained...times I have to leave him home alone for work. Everything...to the point I eventually started crying and couldnt stop pretty much a whole day. I know its not really the dog thats the problem, its something in me that just with getting a dog made we go in hyper freak out mode. I do believe I have ever been true depressed...I'm a very high strung person so times I've been maybe down I dont manifest in a sad way unable to function. I get MAD! and that anger tends to propell me into action. I have been situationally depressed in the past for a good 3 years ...but again I did not get all immobile...I got frustrated angry and because the situational depression came from living far from all my friends and family...hating where I was...I made each day a opportunity to prepared and work towards getting the hell out of there! Anyways I need help with this ...what seems like a silly problem, I know I am being irrational...its just a tiny little puppy...but to be to the point of nonstop crying from anxiety?? Like what the heck? :(

01-26-2014, 08:07 PM
i should also say I am not a dog person, I like all animals, but I can't say dogs are on my top 10 lists or anything. Couldnt' get kids a cat cause husbands allergic so another factor is i feel insecure probably its something I feel lack of control

Terre Nova
01-26-2014, 11:22 PM
I'm pushing through it my kids love animals and really wanted a dog. Dog is a 10 week old chihuahua...and i find my mind is consumed mostly with worry, worry I wont get him potty trained...times I have to leave him home alone for work. Everything...to the point I eventually started crying and couldnt stop pretty much a whole day. I know its not really the dog thats the problem, its something in me that just with getting a dog made we go in hyper freak out mode. I do believe I have ever been true depressed...I'm a very high strung person so times I've been maybe down I dont manifest in a sad way unable to function. I get MAD! and that anger tends to propell me into action. I have been situationally depressed in the past for a good 3 years ...but again I did not get all immobile...I got frustrated angry and because the situational depression came from living far from all my friends and family...hating where I was...I made each day a opportunity to prepared and work towards getting the hell out of there! Anyways I need help with this ...what seems like a silly problem, I know I am being irrational...its just a tiny little puppy...but to be to the point of nonstop crying from anxiety?? Like what the heck? :(

Don't ever get an animal that you do not want!
It is not the animals fault you don't kind them well.
If a pets not for you than don't ruin its life for a small satisfaction! Animals are amazing healers and deserve nothing less than that treatment!
Maybe start with some fish..
I am an animal rescuer and see this stuff all the time and the animal suffers greatly!
Pls do not get a dog if you do not like or want one!
These animals feel the same pain we do , especially fear and abandonment :(

01-27-2014, 12:37 AM
I agree with terre... It's just a baby.. And it can sense everything.. They get anxiety like us.. Your kids may be happy but it's not worth a baby being miserable..

01-27-2014, 12:44 AM
I got an Italian greyhound named worm, he was my life.. I loved him more than anything.. But it got to the stage where I was working a lot the my ex and I broke up.. Then I got severly depressed.. And he was feeding off it! Poor thing took him to the vet and everything was ok.. He was feeding through me.. Because I was his mummy.. We had a connection.. I did everything I could then i decided he needed a better life.. I searched high and low for the perfect place and new mummy. I found it, she is a vet wth a large yard with 2 other Italian greyhounds.. Who get so pampered and loved.. It was the hardest thing to let him go, but I did the right thing.. Espesh while he was still young. He settled into his new home easily and is the happy boy I fell in love with again. He was my baby and I wanted nothing but the best for him.. I couldn't give him that, so I have him to someone who would.

01-27-2014, 12:56 PM
Thanks guys, ya I know I just feel so stupid...I am a animal lover truely am, but again Dog's aren't my top animal that I really want to live with :/ If that makes sense. I love other peoples dogs I guess and can totally appreicate the fact that they in themselves are very soothing and great to play with...but with my own I feel TRAPPED! Does this make sense? Makes me so mad at myself.

01-27-2014, 01:04 PM
And I do have fish, lol ALOT of them. I have a 50gal tank and a 20gal going for the last 10 years. I had cats my entire life pre-husband. My mom always had dogs so they were in the house, but I guess I just never bothered with them. I do remember one dog we had that I greatly disliked, it was a boarder collie and even well into its adulthood it would NOT stop its play biting, it was bad! I remember my mom trying everything, everyone in the house was after awhile when this habit would not stop everyone was constantly after the dog..my mom did evenutally find it a home on a big a$$ farm. Probably best...that thing needed to maybe run till it dropped from exhaustion to ease the biting, haha...Anyways I didn't realize I would have this big of a reaction to a new puppy :( I feel like a failure.