View Full Version : Irritable Bowel Syndrome

01-26-2014, 01:34 PM
Please someone enlighten me on this??? I'm feeling a bid scared of what's been going on for the past few days.!! Thanks

01-26-2014, 01:36 PM
Please someone enlighten me on this??? I'm feeling a bid scared of what's been going on for the past few days.!! Thanks

Did you suffer from it before anxiety, or has it come along with your condition?

01-26-2014, 01:38 PM
Only felt this way with anxiety

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 01:44 PM
Please someone enlighten me on this??? I'm feeling a bid scared of what's been going on for the past few days.!! Thanks
there are meds to control this. been a while since i had it. so i dont remember the name. i now take a generic scrpit zantac to keep my stomach in check. that works better for me. i dont have IBS any more. just me.

01-26-2014, 01:47 PM
there are meds to control this. been a while since i had it. so i dont remember the name. i now take a generic scrpit zantac to keep my stomach in check. that works better for me. i dont have IBS any more. just me.

Ok thanks. As soon as I ran out of my prilosec I got it again

01-26-2014, 01:54 PM
Ok cool, that's good

Well, 60% of all people who have IBS also qualify as having at least one psychiatric condition. The mind affects the stomach, the stomach affects the mind.

IBS is still kind of an unknown. They still aren't too sure of how it coexists with the mind, and what exactly causes it. I guess cos it differs from person to person. What they do know, is having the condition results in stomach discomfort and pain and annoying symptoms.

Here are some reasons why it can happen:

Upto 70% of your Serotonin exists in your gut. When you have anxiety your levels go crazy, your brain gobbles it up, your levels fluctuate, there's a strain on the gut there.

When you have anxiety, your blood gets sent all over the place. Your having palps etc, you get dizzy, in anticipation of fear, blood is shipped off to different parts of the body. Blood is taken away from the areas it used to be in that helped digestion.

There's also the issue of muscle tension that accompanies stress, muscle tension that can carry it's way on down to your stomach area.

When you have anxiety, your acid levels sometimes get screwed up, meaning digestion is poorer, stomach works much harder and battles against the acid levels.

There are some common reasons for it, they're all harmless. There are more, but ya know.. It's not caused by anything serious as long as you don't get any of the alarming symptoms.

Drugs help, there are drugs to help acid, peppermint oil helps spasms, there are overall drugs that help the condition.

If you never had it before, you'll be fine when you stress less :)

01-26-2014, 01:58 PM
What are alarming symptoms cause I do have some

01-26-2014, 02:07 PM
What are alarming symptoms cause I do have some

Unless you have blood in your stool there's not much need for worry! I actually just had a colonoscopy to check for Colon cancer because it runs in my family (high risk) and the doctor said they usually won't even do one for people who have ibs symptoms unless there is blood.

01-26-2014, 02:09 PM
Well I don't have blood but I have stomach pain followed by the need to go. Several times a day

01-26-2014, 02:10 PM
Well I don't have blood but I have stomach pain followed by the need to go. Several times a day

Just for th past few days?

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 02:11 PM
Ok cool, that's good

Well, 60% of all people who have IBS also qualify as having at least one psychiatric condition. The mind affects the stomach, the stomach affects the mind.

IBS is still kind of an unknown. They still aren't too sure of how it coexists with the mind, and what exactly causes it. I guess cos it differs from person to person. What they do know, is having the condition results in stomach discomfort and pain and annoying symptoms.

Here are some reasons why it can happen:

Upto 70% of your Serotonin exists in your gut. When you have anxiety your levels go crazy, your brain gobbles it up, your levels fluctuate, there's a strain on the gut there.

When you have anxiety, your blood gets sent all over the place. Your having palps etc, you get dizzy, in anticipation of fear, blood is shipped off to different parts of the body. Blood is taken away from the areas it used to be in that helped digestion.

There's also the issue of muscle tension that accompanies stress, muscle tension that can carry it's way on down to your stomach area.

When you have anxiety, your acid levels sometimes get screwed up, meaning digestion is poorer, stomach works much harder and battles against the acid levels.

There are some common reasons for it, they're all harmless. There are more, but ya know.. It's not caused by anything serious as long as you don't get any of the alarming symptoms.

Drugs help, there are drugs to help acid, peppermint oil helps spasms, there are overall drugs that help the condition.

If you never had it before, you'll be fine when you stress less :)
yes acid is enemy no1 for IBS.

01-26-2014, 02:13 PM
I got it somehow after getting to bed and getting ready for sleep. Is it normal?

01-26-2014, 02:16 PM
Yes.. I get this off and on 2times a month

01-26-2014, 02:17 PM
It's bad at night for me aswell

01-26-2014, 02:17 PM
Yes.. I get this off and on 2times a month

it could definitely be ibs. I would talk to your doctor about it though, especially if it's often enough to be worrying you. Meanwhile, eat some bananas and take a multivitamin with iron (iron is a natural constipator)

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 02:19 PM
It's bad at night for me aswell
it was morning for me. every morning. i woke up anxious and BAM , there it was. could not help it. the Renitidine is generic script Zantac. since i started taking 600 mg's a day. i have it no more. none. not even every once in a while. this works for me.

01-26-2014, 02:25 PM
It's bad at night for me aswell

When you want to sleep?

01-26-2014, 02:42 PM
I was told I had IBS a few weeks after my first panic attack. It's not very classy to say this - but I could not get off the toilet!! I went to the hospital and was put on IV fluids because I could not keep up with the amount of fluids leaving my body! When I was in the hospital they told me to get Immodium I believe it was called. It makes everything go back to normal (kinda) and helps with the cramping. Maybe see your Dr and start eating more fiber! Fruits, veggies, flax ect. Fiber 1 granola bars are awesome and taste good too. Feel better soon

01-26-2014, 02:55 PM
It has only worried me because of the times I went last night. Often times I can't go now I'm going too much

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 03:16 PM
It has only worried me because of the times I went last night. Often times I can't go now I'm going too much
thats typical. ya need 2 things with IBS. a stool softener and the stomach med. that was my issue. to much and not enough. the med i mentioned took care of both. maybe see a dr and get a script med. you may simply need something stronger than what you take now.

Paul N Lauren
01-26-2014, 03:17 PM
It has only worried me because of the times I went last night. Often times I can't go now I'm going too much
also you may just have a tummy bug right now. maybe, just a thought. if you have a bug, immodium is bad. the bug is trying to leave if you will. immodium will trap it and as soon as the immodium wares off , the bug kicks in again and here ya go. be sure of what is causing the issue 1st. you do not want to create another problem. this is why i say every ones symptoms may be similar but not the same. just saying , what is good for one may not be good for the other. be careful how you treat something.