View Full Version : 3 day anxiety attack

01-25-2014, 01:48 PM
As anyone ever heard of this happening

01-25-2014, 02:20 PM
As anyone ever heard of this happening

Yes. I had symptoms that lasted that long.. drives me nuts, but keep busy and it will go away... Thinking of it and the void will just keep it going and going.

01-25-2014, 02:43 PM
Are the benzos helping at all Blessed?

01-25-2014, 02:47 PM
Are the benzos helping at all Blessed? not really. I was ok this morning then back down hill I have took two can I take three ?

01-25-2014, 03:24 PM
Usually it's the palps but my main fear now is the high heart rate and irregular heart beats on bp machine . I've cried all morning. Why won't it go below 100?

01-25-2014, 03:27 PM
because YOU NEED TO TAKE A F**KIN BETA BLOCKER EACH DAY!!!! that's why......:)

01-25-2014, 03:29 PM
Will I be ok till my next doc appt next month? I just need to calm the f*** down pardon my language I'm just so fed up with this horse crap

01-25-2014, 03:34 PM
because YOU NEED TO TAKE A F**KIN BETA BLOCKER EACH DAY!!!! that's why......:)

I knew this was gonna come ;)

He has a point Blessed. Since you said you'd keep on with the natural route, you've had two of the worst panic attacks you've said you've had. That's not good Hun :-/

Aren't you tempted to roll the dice on some stuff now?

01-25-2014, 03:35 PM
Is it the systolic/diastolic at 100? (Top/bottom). The irregular beats are quite normal in an anxiety attack sorry to clarify .... My bp is ok right now it's my heart rate that's staying 100-120

01-25-2014, 03:36 PM
Yes you'll be ok, but whining about your heart rate,...until you take your focus off of it!!! Quit thinkin about it all the fuggin time and it'll slow down. It's your thoughts, brain, mind, making it do this anyway because you're petrified that you have a heart problem BUT YOU DON'T!!!....geeeeezzzeeee you friggin twerp!

Yes, you WILL be gettting back on beta-blockers next month. PERIOD.

You only made it 3 days without reposting this stupid s**t about your heart when you said you'd give it at least 3 months!!..

No, I'm not yelling...trying to make you friggin laugh. haha?


01-25-2014, 03:50 PM
If your BP is ok don't worry.

100 bpm is high but not ridiculously high. l would recommend you don't go back on the monitor (I did this ALL the time). Trying to control my breathing to see if would go down. (Thus made it worse), plus when you measure stress through heart rate, the indicator is irregularity (breathing in slows down, then increases on exhale) again pretty normal.

Each time you go to the monitor to check it, you are re triggering the anxiety. (I Promise you I have been there many times).

If you can't cope as the previous post suggests (betablocker) ;).

Think I made the point clear, but kind of subtle brotha James?? LOL!!!...

Great post btw bruh...:D

01-25-2014, 03:52 PM
Plus - the monitor I have makes those god awful beeps, knocks the anxiety up about 50% . You might as well have sirens going off in your ears! :D

Yes,.sirens and alarms in the ears would raise levels of anxiety for anyone let alone us as anxiety sufferers...:)

01-25-2014, 03:54 PM
Thank you all!!!!!! Wouldn't make it without all this amazing advise. God bless!

01-25-2014, 03:56 PM
It's cos we care Blessed, seriously!! :)

Is your husband being softer on you now?

01-25-2014, 04:01 PM
Ha ha I'm gathering you are as subtle as a nun in a brothel? :D

Ps Blessed.

I used the BP monitor so much one time that I bruised my arm, at which I not only diagnosed myself with tachycardia but I believed I had leukaemia on top!!

This has me rolling on the floor!!!

Thanks James!! :D ...very true. BAHAA!!!

and Blessed will be feeling better soon too...

01-25-2014, 04:03 PM
It's cos we care Blessed, seriously!! :)

Is your husband being softer on you now?


And what a guy if he can deal with this shit every 3 days...he's got my 100% respect and admiration for sure. It mustREALLY be love.....:)

01-25-2014, 04:09 PM
This has me rolling on the floor!!!

Thanks James!! :D ...very true. BAHAA!!!

and Blessed will be feeling better soon too...

You're welco... Wait, what did I do?

Ooooh, you're talking to the REAL James ;)

01-25-2014, 04:18 PM
I knew this was gonna come ;)

He has a point Blessed. Since you said you'd keep on with the natural route, you've had two of the worst panic attacks you've said you've had. That's not good Hun :-/

Aren't you tempted to roll the dice on some stuff now?

I saw you up here Jesse!! Good to see you man, and yes..you knew that I couldn't just ignore this ANY LONGER!! YAY!!!!

Hope your goody box is doing wonders bruh!...


01-25-2014, 04:19 PM
Who's the real James I thought I was E-man......no wait....your evil twin......no time travelling evil twin ..... No no no no......

That's it That's it..... I'm pixiebiscuit??......... (*sniggers childishly)

I literally thought his name was James,..I have no friggin clu or idea where that even came from condsidering his screen name is Jessed... Maybe I was in a reallllll brain fog.. :)

01-25-2014, 04:24 PM
Beast mode:

[ ON ] OFF

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 06:13 PM
Is it the systolic/diastolic at 100? (Top/bottom). The irregular beats are quite normal in an anxiety attack

Ok if your Sys/Dia e.g. 120/80 your blood pressure can soar in anxiety attacks and plummet afterwards. A constant Diastolic of 100 is dangerous and requires attention. But let me be clear Don't start wording about that cos if you are stressed your blood pressure naturally goes up. But unless you have some particular reason like renal failure or you are on meds for it, I wouldn't even bother to take readings. If you are worried about it and stressed it will go up, If you don't take readings and stop thinking about it, it will go down.

01-25-2014, 06:23 PM
Ok if your Sys/Dia e.g. 120/80 your blood pressure can soar in anxiety attacks and plummet afterwards. A constant Diastolic of 100 is dangerous and requires attention. But let me be clear Don't start wording about that cos if you are stressed your blood pressure naturally goes up. But unless you have some particular reason like renal failure or you are on meds for it, I wouldn't even bother to take readings. If you are worried about it and stressed it will go up, If you don't take readings and stop thinking about it, it will go down.im sorry to clarify my bp has been ok it's my heart rate itself that won't go below 100 these 3 days Sorry for confusion

01-25-2014, 06:31 PM
Just a touch but I'm so thankful for that thank you! This has got to get better, I have faith that it will!!!

Lord Jazzinho
01-25-2014, 06:40 PM
im sorry to clarify my bp has been ok it's my heart rate itself that won't go below 100 these 3 days Sorry for confusion

If your blood pressure is alright then thats the main thing :) try to stop thinking about it if you can

01-25-2014, 07:31 PM
Thank you ALL so much it's great to have people who understand and truly care!!!

01-25-2014, 10:58 PM
Hiya blessed i have woke up out of my sleep and my heart started going fast but sometimes with breathing it goes back to normal but this time it didnt just went fast so i got up walked downstairs and opened the door and felt slightly faint but nothing and i sat down and i felt it slow down gradually then i felt calm so i am worrying now about it wont go back to sleep incase it does it again its happened a few times,i feel like there is something wrong😓

01-26-2014, 12:38 AM
There's a difference between an anxiety attack and anxiety symptoms. If you worry and dedicate enough fear and time ruminating about a symptom then you can make it last days, weeks or even months in some cases. The amount of fear and worry around symptom(s) can feel as terrifying as an anxiety attack. However attacks in themselves are very pronounced. you could have chest pains or raised heart rate for a prolonged period of many days. I've had full blown panic attacks lasting hours however i've also had equally as intense symptoms and panic around those symptoms lasting a lot longer.

Do your best to keep busy, one day it'll click that fearing and worrying symptoms is the wrong way to go about it. It doesn't help the situation or pains it actually just makes them worse. Keeping busy and pushing these fears to the back of your mind takes practice and determination but it can be done and with that the pains will lessen or subside entirely.
