View Full Version : Really Rough Day

01-25-2014, 10:57 AM
Hey Friends-

I think I've hit rock bottom. I am going on 3 weeks of not sleeping well/anxiety/depression that just came out of nowhere after a culmination of stress from work, anxiety, and GAD. I feel like I used to be somewhat normal/could cope with it well and then all the sudden one night I stayed up all night and it's been downhill from there.

I got Ambien and it's not working, in fact, I think it's making things worse. I generally feel more anxious/depressed the next day after taking it and I don't sleep well on it. Maybe 4 broken hours max. I have negative depressing thoughts all day and it's like a roller coaster of emotions.

I've also lost about 10 lbs as I have no appetite. I dread going to work.

I also got lunesta but I am absolutely terrified it won't work. I was this close to taking it last night and I chickened out and took an Ambien and of course didn't sleep well. Now I'm upset that it's ruined my weekend and that I have to go back to work on Monday. I feel like this is a never ending cycle.

I cried this morning for an hour and tried to go for a walk to help my mood. I feel like it's never going to get better. I also feel like I need to go to some sort of rehab spa or something to get myself together. I just don't know what to do. I feel like I should take an ativan, but I don't want to have to cope with medications forever. I feel so crazy.

Thanks for listening.

01-25-2014, 11:39 AM
Oh I know where your coming from I had three weeks of feeling like this and lost
Loads of weight and was not sleeping,thankfully the setraline kicked in And
I'm now eating like a horse and sleeping,if you have been given the meds please try them,you don't have to take them forever just let them be your crutch for now to get you over this patch