View Full Version : Big Weekend Ahead

01-24-2014, 06:54 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have a big weekend coming up and I hope I don't have an attack. First off, I am in a cover band that plays in the Philadelphia area (http://www.groovepocketband.com/ if you want to check us out). We have a gig Saturday and its the first time in 10 years i will be playing in a bar. We did 2 other shows but they were small gigs. this show has the potential of being big (I was in the band years ago. the band split up but refored with me last year). i'm hoping i dont have a panic attack on stage.

Secondly, my mother in law is moving out of my house after 10 years of living with us. I cannot wait for this to happen, but i hope i dont get an attack after she's gone from the adrenaline dump. i wouldn't be surprised if my anxiety almost goes away when shes gone, but knowing me...

I'm just glad we have a site like this to vent and speak our concerns. Since finding this site, I have found alot of peace and inner strength to carry on.

Thank you everyone!

01-24-2014, 07:03 AM
Wow you must have the patience of a saint have your mother-in-law live with you that long lol
Wow a cover band,that sounds really exciting I'm sure your going to be just fine,sometimes it's the fear that you fear your going to have a panic attack tho I do understand how you feel,I'm sure your going to be just fine :)

01-24-2014, 07:31 AM
I do. I'm surprised how much patience I have. It's gotten to the point where she was telling us how to run our household and how to raise our 3 year old son. On top of that she called my wife irresponsible and me untrustworthy. we worked hard for 7 years to have our son and he is the absolute center of our world, so calling us that was way off base.

I just hope I earned my "Get into heaven free" card lol

01-24-2014, 07:50 AM
I do. I'm surprised how much patience I have. It's gotten to the point where she was telling us how to run our household and how to raise our 3 year old son. On top of that she called my wife irresponsible and me untrustworthy. we worked hard for 7 years to have our son and he is the absolute center of our world, so calling us that was way off base. I just hope I earned my "Get into heaven free" card lol

Omg I could not cope with all
That at all lol yes I do think you will get a place in heaven lol

01-24-2014, 08:02 AM
Meichmann, your band reminds me of SO many things.. I don't want to start firing out what it reminds me of, but overall the music just mashes up into something really unique.. and I'm really enjoying your music.. a pleasant discovery really. :)
I think you'll totally own and rock that gig ! ;)

Mother In law moving out after ten years, eh? ..Amazing you had her in your house for that long for that's no easy task. The change with her absence will be quite a shock, lol.

01-24-2014, 09:20 AM
Never too...go right ahead and fire away! we always have had great shows. Not tooting our own horn, but we really do bring a unique presence to our shows. We are a party rock cover band and we do alot of medleys where we take several songs and put them together. There is never any open space on the dance floor from start to finish.

If you like us and you have a facebook account, you can follow our facebook page (Even if you don't live in the area).

The orignal CD was released after I left the band. They actually are working on finishing up their 2nd CD which I was not involved with either.

Their first album is available to download for free at http://www.everythingswhatever.com/

10 Years! yes! I welcome the change though. I've wanted her out for quite a while now, but I was staying quiet to please my wife. We just need to be able to grow as a family without intervention. Plus, I've always wanted to slide down the hallway like Tom Cruise in "Risky Buisness" lol!

01-24-2014, 09:45 AM
The reason I wasn't going to start comparing is because I thought it would be unfair to the bands own style. Too many brand new bands get compared and labeled as just copy cat bands.. I see on the website that there are cited influences from Phish, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lemmy from vocals.. ooh, that last one excited me (I'm a huge Motörhead fan) And while I do hear a Lemmy influence on the growling yelling parts, other than that, it reminds me of some voices from the 90s.. and some Reel Big Fish.. I downloaded the album.. Deal of the day so thanks, lol! btw, what position are you in on the band now?

Have fun sliding down the hall way.. just make sure the Mother-In-Law or wife doesn't see you!

01-24-2014, 10:56 AM
I am the bassist. I also do Lead and backing vocals. Enjoy the album!

I'll save the slide for after when she moves out. Hell, the wife may even join me! lol