View Full Version : Switching from Prozac to another anit-depressant

02-20-2008, 12:33 PM
Thinking about switching from prozac 20mg to anohter anti depressant drug. I've taken prozac pretty steadily for about 7 years now, and it initally really helped with my depression and anxiety, but recently I feel like I should be happier. any advice on switchin prozac to another anti depressant. overall I feel like its helping me live an ok life, but sometimes I feel empty and i'd like to change to try if something else would be better for me in dealing with slight depressive thoughs and general anxiety.

03-01-2008, 10:46 PM
I really had a problem on Prozac. I tried it twice and it didn't work for me.

HOWEVER, when they upped my dose to 60 mg.. it was a miracle. I was functioning!

Maybe you just need to be upped?

Other than that, when I switched meds in the past they just switched it.