View Full Version : I'm really confused about anxiety

01-22-2014, 11:59 PM
So, today and yesterday and Monday have been the best 3days since I had anxiety.. I have been anxiety free. Well my main thing was taking a shower. I hated taking a shower. Have a phobia of falling. So the whole time I'm in shower, I feel unbalanced as if I need to grab the walls... my question is, is this always gonna be like this. ? Is it possible to make your self feel this way even though you don't? I thought when u have such great anxiety free days, u have no symptoms. This has bottled me. Great 3days great everything. Get in shower and bam unstable :( super confused

01-23-2014, 12:17 AM
Yep that's what anxiety does.
Mine has been same, going so well, went to shops on my lunchbreak and bam dizzy weird head, feeling so unbalanced like I will fall, feel like I'm going to pass out. Vicious cycle

01-23-2014, 12:29 AM
Ugh frustrating... I know there's a way to completely overcome it. Just wish I had answers

01-23-2014, 12:45 AM
[QUOTE="iloveyu29;150572"]Ugh frustrating... I know there's a way to completely overcome it. Just wish I had answers[/QUOTE
I know me too.
I've had it for almost 2 years and when having an attack still can't convince myself it's not brain cancer or an anuerysm

01-23-2014, 12:49 AM
Dumb minds.. almost 90%of anxiety sufferers have the same. It's very common. But can I convince myself?? He'll no

01-23-2014, 01:14 AM
Yep I know how you feel.
I feel attacks coming, they start with that feeling of dread then horrific physical symptoms and I try to say "you're ok, it's not serious don't be scared" then the other voice pipes in "omg you're dying of something, this time you will collapse and pass out" it's just the pits...

Paul N Lauren
01-23-2014, 01:22 AM
you have had good days. remember i said you can keep it at bay. but it can sneak out here and there. its been 3 days, its a start . dont expect it it vanish over night. its a thing that takes time to get rid of completely. it can be done with the exception of a sneak attack some times. SOME times. does not mean there will always be a sneak attack. give it some time. i keep harping , you are still learning it. again , its just been 3 days. you will be fine. just keep doing what you been doing. the magnesium could be a factor , but at the same time , you still have anxiety. its been a stressful week so far. be proud that its just now gave you a scare. keep in mind, you kept it away for 3 days not the fact that you had an attack. do not expect it to just go away over night. stay positive and move on to the next day.