View Full Version : Excessive guilt?

01-22-2014, 09:06 AM
Does anyone else struggle with this? I sometimes feel as if people are indebted to my existence, and though I know it's an irrational thought, I cannot detach myself from it. I hate having anxiety/depression because I know it affects me in ways people cannot quite comprehend, so I feel like a "problem child" at 18. And I'm confused in regards to what I want in life and that's hard for me. But I've always been a nice, compassionate person. How do I stop feeling guilty?

01-22-2014, 01:12 PM
Can you go into detail a bit more? Give me some examples etc.? 18 is a prime age for coming to terms with what we want and expect out of life, so be encouraged you're passing another big milestone.

01-22-2014, 01:29 PM
I wish I could help you. I'm about twice your age and still considered a problem child. Being nice and compassionate to others does little to sway the immensity of the stigma many of us face. In fact, some people seem to think that such is more like a submissive gesture in a world bent on rules and regulations. Expectations and Obligations for each individual are set to rise as we continue to populate an finite space. Those of us unable to process and contribute effectively will be labeled accordingly and tainted with an undesirable brush that carries disdain everywhere we go.

Letting go of Society and all it's ideals is my goal - however many will claim the answer is in a pill, change of life style, diet and or exercise. All I know about is rejection everyday when out walking the street.

I am sorry that I am unable to really offer any kind of solution - I am going to start my own Journal on here - hide in that and see how I go expelling all that fear. They acceptance is a big things - work on that - and you may one day turn short moments of peace into longer stretches that make living with pain somewhat less detrimental.

I really don't know - I'm quite sick in the head of late - so will make this my last bit of advice and go bury my head in my mind.

Whatever you do - Stand Up for yourself as best you can and do what you want to do.

Just another sufferer like you.