View Full Version : Itchy hands and feet?

01-21-2014, 10:50 PM
For the last couple of months the palms of my hands and the soles of my feel have been getting so itchy that sometimes it feel like I want to gouge at them with a sharp fork. It feel like the itch is deep inside.

Sometime the soles of my feet get really hot and pulse with burning sensations and that can either be accompanied with or without the itching. It's really weird and it's totally freaking me out. It gets so bad sometimes that it distracts me from everything else.

Anyone else ever had this?

Terre Nova
01-22-2014, 01:36 AM
For the last couple of months the palms of my hands and the soles of my feel have been getting so itchy that sometimes it feel like I want to gouge at them with a sharp fork. It feel like the itch is deep inside.

Sometime the soles of my feet get really hot and pulse with burning sensations and that can either be accompanied with or without the itching. It's really weird and it's totally freaking me out. It gets so bad sometimes that it distracts me from everything else.

Anyone else ever had this?

Sensitive nerves... Or bad water.. I get it, i know its from our super chlorinated water... But i totally know what you're talking about! As for you,it could and probably is, just nerve sensitivity! Don't worry! And if it is really that bothersome and constant, make an appt. and just ask ;)

01-22-2014, 06:37 AM
wash with anti-bacterial soap, put some hydrocortisone on your hands and feet, and take an anti-histamine...yes, and proper WATER hydration too...:)

01-22-2014, 07:03 AM
Avoid using anything anti-bacterial as a hand wash, body scrub, etc. Good rule of thumb never place anything on your skin that you would not place in your mouth.

Your skin is your biggest organ, yes that's right an organ. When feet and hands itch it's a sign of toxicity sometimes, that deep below the skin itch. Watch detergents,

cleaners, avoid touching bleach and rubber gloves that are latex, this is very sensitive for some people. Have you had this before? ANy hand blisters, small bumps

etc? Foods are good for causing internal itching as well. E-ma had good advice, and I encourage you to avoid toxins. Air fresheners, febreeze, candles (only bees

wax). Air fresheners are full of neurotoxins. I know they smell good but you don't want to end up smelling good and coloring in your later years. lol Purified water is

great. Heating systems, electric especially in winter can not help. Use a humidifier. Drink a lot of waters. Most people are dehydrated and do not know it. I drink

at least two gallons a day. They say drink 8 glasses, I say not me.


01-22-2014, 07:07 AM
Skinsight.com says. Some of the allergens commonly associated with allergic contact dermatitis include poison

ivy, cosmetics, soaps, dyes, jewelry containing nickel, rubber chemicals like latex in gloves and balloons,

chromates in shoe leather, and the medicinal ingredient neomycin.

Irritant contact dermatitis typically appears several hours after chemical exposure injures a person's skin.

Dyshidrotic dermatitis appears as small, itchy blisters filled with fluid, but its cause is unknown. It tends to occur more often in warm

weather than in cold weather. Of course there are many causes, however try the easy first, if it continues seek a diabetes test

That is also a symptom of poor blood sugar and circulatory difficulties. Peace

01-22-2014, 07:12 AM
Thanks guys:) I drink about 8 glasses of water a day and generally don't use too many chemicals so I'm a bit stumped, and freaking out because of the stupid health anxiety. I think it's been going for a couple of months, it started with my left palm and progressed to both palms and then my feet.

I wish it was the stress and anxiety causing it but I have googled like a crazy person and can't seem to find a link between this and stress/anxiety. Thanks for your advice, I will avoid all chemicals from now on and I am seeing my doctor tomorrow for a referral to a new psych so I think I will see what she thinks :)

01-22-2014, 09:04 AM
Gene how come you know so much about skin? The advice is absolutely wonderful.
I guess is allergy, or sensitivity to something, For me it was a water, and using my home made creams and lotions, now the soap solves that problem:))
Antihistamine and hydrocortison is short term... It is not stress the iching....
See the doc, but a the same time try to massage some olive oil into skin, just a bit to see if it helps with itching.....At least it moisturizes, good luck with it

01-22-2014, 09:36 AM
Olive oil, the wonder oil. I like it for cooking, and placing on skin too Dahila. I do my own studying, so don't trust me. LOL I just know what works with this body. I

also help family with ailments, sadly they think their doctors are gods. I think docs are useful, and so are lawyers, but please, please, please, don't insist I trust

them absolutely they are people and a lot of times ego maniacs, we must simply appease them. Don't believe it? Tell a doctor you believe you are god, he will send

you to be evaluated, then tell him he is a god, he'll be delighted and maybe give a discount. LOL Gotta love it all, truth is stranger than fiction. Peace

DR. Deepak Chopra

Short, sweet and to the point. Deepak Chopra, answering a question about a terminal diagnosis says this: “Don’t believe the prognosis.” Radical? Maybe, maybe not. The good doc says that when a medical professional gives a ‘terminal’ diagnosis, they’re introducing what’s called the ‘nocebo’ effect – the very opposite of a placebo effect. Of course, Chopra is known for advocating the power of the mind-body connection, but still, given the extreme power that mainstream medicine has over what people can say and do, this seems courageous, if not downright radical!