View Full Version : Tattoo Ideas..

01-21-2014, 06:10 AM
Some of you may be against tattoos and some may be really into them but any advice will be great!!

I have always said I would only ever get a maximum of 3 tattoos.. I already have 2 and although they mean something to me and bring back memories... they aren't really deep meanings. I have always wanted to get a tattoo in honor of my grandad who passed in 2012.. he was covered in tattoos and thats how I always remember him.. then a few other relative died so I wanted to get a tattoo that tributes them all.. and also a tattoo that is positive and something I can look back on when I have fully beaten anxiety and say that was a tough part of my life but I made it through and I'm stronger now. I only want a small tattoo and want it on my ribs. Here are my ideas so far..

'Every little thing is gonna be alright' (Bob Marley)

'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery' (Bob Marley)

'What we think, We become' (Buddha)

'Free your sould, accept your serenity' (Buddha)

'Without struggle, there is no strength'

'We only part to meet again' (Love this one)

Feel free to add any or share any tattoo's you may have that are meaningful!!

Peace and Love :)

01-21-2014, 06:18 AM
How about "Nixon, he really knows his shit"

Everyone would know what that means

01-21-2014, 06:21 AM
Hahahahaha I think my family and bf would be like whos Nixon??? hahaha

01-21-2014, 06:47 AM
I have a bunch of tattoos, none of which I'm particularly proud of, except for my son's name in a rose, that one is nice. I was a bit of a wayward teen and thought getting tattoos was just the coolest thing ever, ugh lol. Nothing sais "I'm a douchebag" like a dagger through a heart with a snake wrapped around it, haha! Ahh well, you live you learn I guess. I actually LOVE tattoos, i just wish I had made wiser choices. I could get cover ups done but that means mucho moneys, luckily now I don't really notice them.

I really liked 'What we think, We become' That one jumped out at me.

Here's a couple I thought were pretty cool

"The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.”

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” (Albert Einstein)

"Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear." (George Addair)


01-21-2014, 06:47 AM
I had a capital "M" placed on each butt cheek, when I bend over naked it says MOM. LOL If I stand on my head it says WOW. I feel like I got two tats for the price of

one. LOL Joking of course. Peace

01-21-2014, 06:49 AM
We all make silly choices when were young but at the time you were having fun and thats the main thing!!

Yes, I like all of them!!! I will add them to the lis!! xx

01-21-2014, 06:50 AM
I had a capital "M" placed on each butt cheek, when I bend over naked it says MOM. LOL If I stand on my head it says WOW. I feel like I got two tats for the price of

one. LOL Joking of course. Peace

Hahahahhahaa that is sooooo funny!!! That would be the funniest thing ever!!!

01-21-2014, 06:55 AM
I have tats, will get more. Do something that has meaning to you. When you do it's always something to remind you of where you were then. What's your motto?

My son has a chain tattooed around his neck that says, "this too shall pass". Peace

01-21-2014, 06:57 AM
I don't really have a motto!!! I'm a girl in search of a word... haha

Thats nice, I like it!

01-21-2014, 07:00 AM
I'm gonna get this in my ribs

After embrace your dream I want 'face your demons'

01-21-2014, 07:04 AM
I love that Amber!! That will look really nice!! You going to get that soon?

01-21-2014, 07:05 AM
I was looking for the same kind of thing for my next tat.. As soon as I saw this it was like love at first site haha my nan got it for me for Christmas.. Only $5 but i fell in love haha yer I wanna get it soon...

01-21-2014, 07:05 AM
I was an Officer for the state of Illinois, and my job entailed organized crime and gang intelligence, with that said, I used tats to identify who I was dealing

with, as well as what constitution they were under so I could reference to where their boundaries lay with law enforcement, and where I stood in regards to their

ideology. It's not as accurate, but there are other pieces to the puzzle of identification too, so it all helps. Kept me safe and at the same time respected, as I knew

how to respect their beliefs. I also seen lots of brandings which I too have on shoulders. I don't advise that. Ouch!


01-21-2014, 07:09 AM
Wow!! That's really sweet!! And I guess it will remind you of your nan too in a way!! Sweet!!

Wow Gene.. thats a really clever way of dealing with what you had to deal with!! And especially respecting their beleifs because I guess if they know you are respecting them they will respect you back!!

01-21-2014, 07:30 AM
Yes Ash I learned a lot about me. Fear is the major symptom of these people too. Anxiety and depression drives them to do things they would not do. I have seen

and experienced so many touching moments, I have also experienced some enlightenment about what purpose these things serve in life. I won't go into

depth here, but I will say this, we are all the same, the rich, poor, depressed, anxious, kind, loving and trying to find our way home. My conclusion. Peace

01-21-2014, 07:43 AM
Do you only want sayings or something likes symbols? Suggestions like:

A butterfly; symbolizes hope and change for the better.
A bluejay; symbolizes purity of the soul, truth of the heart, and clarity of thought.
The wolf; symbolizes free will, the ability to escape... unity and toughness.
Or an ampersand; which is broken infinity reminding us that nothing lasts forever, but there's always an AND

Here are a few sayings as well:

"We are born to live, we are born to understand, we are born to carry a cursed pattern and be transformed by pain." - Jeff Buckley
"The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost
"Let go or be dragged" - Zen Proverb (simple, but I thought it spoke volumes)
"Dream as if you have forever. Live as if you only have today" - James Dean

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while now.. I just want something small and with deep meaning.. ah but it's hard to choose.

But good luck with it, Ashlee! I'm sure it will be great, and hold wonderful meaning, whatever you decide to choose.

01-21-2014, 07:56 AM
Crista I love that quote 'Let go or be dragged'... I might Facebook status it so I don't forget it. Thanks,for sharing some you love.

Ash, go with the quote you love!! :) unless you find one here or elsewhere you love more. When you find a quote - you just know right!

I might get one for a joke that says 'Anxiety woz 'ere 2011' lol

01-21-2014, 08:06 AM
LOL I like that Jesse!

I would like one that says "I AM" just to remind me, regardless of who, what, why, or where I have been, seen, thought, or tried to understand. Something has

remained constant. I AM I've watched it all come and go, feeling so real at times, and other times not caring whether it was, is, or ever was real.

I just gotta have an attitude of who cares as I relate to anxiety, it's not me! I'm the one watching it all. It keeps me grounded and centered. I would also consider

sacred geometric designs. Peace

01-21-2014, 08:46 AM
You might find some ideas here - 100 Best Tattoo Quotes (http://www.tattoo-models.net/100-best-tattoo-quotes/)

I quite like: "all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given (to) us"

01-21-2014, 10:53 AM
Just don't get this one... all others would be cool dude!! :) 948

01-21-2014, 11:08 AM
I always get stupid tattoos. Rather than something serious or that i've loved and wanted for years that I might grow to resent; I get something spontaneous and utterly ridiculous and grow to love it. Certainly might be flawed logic. I myself am putting down a deposit to get my first sleeve drawn up on Saturday. Got enough money for 2 full days of tattooing (14 hours). Think i'll do 2 consecutive days and I should have 3/4's of one arm done with any luck.

I got 3 tattoos at the moment. Never really set myself a limit to be honest. I'm getting 2 removed, one of which will be done again and modifed elsewhere on my body to make way for 2 full arm sleeves.

Quotes are nice but I must admit after getting 2 tattoos containing text I don't really see the appeal to them as much any more. They're the one's that are getting removed. I think that quotes, as with many tattoos like koi, roses, scrolls containing text, hearts, jesus, baby phots etc etc are rather over done to be honest. Then again what's really original in this day and age? Seems you're more original and unique if you're not vandalising your body with tattoos or piercings.

I myself am going for 2 Pusheen sleeves....clearly the My Little Pony Tattoo i'm sporting isn't manly enough...



01-21-2014, 11:14 AM
didnt Gandalf say that?

Shh. But yes JRR Tolkein/Gandalf :)

01-21-2014, 11:29 AM
Yes...I also have really stupid tattoo's from being a teenager. I wasn't all the intelligent. There's more than a dozen of em on me that look like total shit, but they're a memory and I remember when I did them....boy was I trashed.. LMAO!! :)

01-21-2014, 12:34 PM
Ahh i'm totally sober and 27. Perhaps there's no excuse in my case then.


01-21-2014, 12:38 PM
Point being,..I did them myself, with a needle and thread Ed (explains the anesthetic)....and they're terrible looking! but of course,...permanent. YAY!! :)

01-21-2014, 12:51 PM
I had a dragon wrapped around my calf done when I was 18 and heavily into my music. Thought it was cool. Took 4 hours.

When I was 34, I had it removed....over a period of 14 weeks at $1,900,00 because now I thought it wasn't cool

Hurt 10 times as bad coming off than going on.

Just something to think about.

01-21-2014, 05:36 PM
I had a dragon wrapped around my calf done when I was 18 and heavily into my music. Thought it was cool. Took 4 hours.

When I was 34, I had it removed....over a period of 14 weeks at $1,900,00 because now I thought it wasn't cool

Hurt 10 times as bad coming off than going on.

Just something to think about.

It cost $1.9m to removed a tattoo? Usually I'd assume it was a typo but - we're talking about a heck of a salesman here.. I had to ask!

01-21-2014, 05:37 PM
It cost $1.9m to removes a tattoo? Usually I'd assume it was a typo but - we're talking about a heck of a salesman here..

It was really really big

01-21-2014, 09:16 PM
LMAO!^^^^!!!!....Can I borrow $1? :)

01-25-2014, 05:53 AM
Got a new one today. Manly



01-25-2014, 06:17 AM
Hhahahaa their cool! What one's the new one??

01-25-2014, 06:17 AM
Ha I like that one Ed! I have three at the moment, all little ones - I'm hoping to get a bigger one on my shoulder but I just can't make up my mind - I think I want a book illustration or something literary because I'm an English Lit graduate - or something really feminine and flowery haha, cos I'm going to get married next year and it will be a spring wedding, with tons of flowers - that way it will fit in, but also be like a memory of getting married!

01-25-2014, 07:04 AM
What does the my little pony one mean Ed?

01-25-2014, 10:15 AM
Hard to say. I get stupid tattoos and grow to love them, or something that really catches my eye and appeals to me. I could read a lot into it by saying it's magical and cartoonish and fun and sweet but in reality i've never once seen the show. So at the end of the day, it looks good, it made me laugh when I saw it and that's as good a reason as any for me to get it tattooed. If I find a picture that always makes me smile and or laugh when I see it then I have no qualms with having it on my body.

The sleeve i'm getting designed is the only one with a lot of meaning to me. but I know tattoos don't have to be forever, lasereing them off is cheap and safe so if the time comes when I think to get rid of the pony then I won't be too worried or concerned about it. The same studio doing it does removals for £40 for 15 minutes. I'm actually getting one removed to make way for the sleeve. Considering getting the words under sherlcok removed as i'm no longer a stoner and to have an ornate oval frame around him.

For now I guess the pony is a good way to remind me to never get fat....then again i've stayed the same weight for 11 years.

PS - the new one is the Pikachu.


01-26-2014, 02:26 PM
I actually believe tattoos are great, altough some people don't agree with me. For the moment I have 2 tattoos on my body (I'll talk about it later on this post), but I don't regret them. I am happy with them, but also thinking about getting more - not too many, because I don't want my body full of tattoos (no offense, please).

I have a raven tattoo on my shoulder. You might get an idea on my raven tattoo from here - Raven Tattoo ideas & pictures (http://www.tattooneed.com/raven-tattoo-meaning-symbolism-and-ideas/). I have a tattoo similar to this one (http://www.tattooneed.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/another-raven-tattoo-for-women-213x300.jpg), but I'm a guy.

If anyone else is interested in raven tattoo symbolism, here are a couple of meanings:
- fate, strategy, intelligence, god luck, survival. Altough I can't say I'm super smart (who is?), I can say I like to survive no matter what. That's why I got my raven tattoo. Pretty emotional, no?

I am really curios what other tattoos do you have?

Good discussion.

01-26-2014, 02:33 PM
Wow, I think thats really cool!! I completely understand the meaning behind the raven!! I like it!!

I have got 'she flies with her own wings' on my left hip going downwards like this one: http://www.everythingrihanna.co.uk/cached/?version=media/photos/rihanna/792_rihanna-hip-tattoo-tattoos-232000408.jpg (sorry about the pic, was the only one I could really find) it's a sign of independence and doing things for myself…

And my second one is a peace sign on my ankle with 'love' and 'peace' around it… this doesn't really have much meaning, I got it done on holiday with my friends so its a memory of good memories!!

What is your second tattoo??

01-26-2014, 02:38 PM
My second tattoo is an owl.

A peace sign is great. I was thinking about getting such a tattoo, but got an owl tattoo instead.

01-26-2014, 02:39 PM
Hahahaha owls are cool!!! I am getting my third one soon!!

01-26-2014, 05:54 PM
for my mom who died of breast cancer I have her initials and a pink breast cancer ribbon on my hip flexor. I've always wanted a line from "i carry your heart with me" - e.e. cummings for others who have passed too. In your initial post I really like the quote you put you love!

01-31-2014, 06:59 AM
for my mom who died of breast cancer I have her initials and a pink breast cancer ribbon on my hip flexor. I've always wanted a line from "i carry your heart with me" - e.e. cummings for others who have passed too. In your initial post I really like the quote you put you love!

That's interesting. Good luck to you!

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 07:07 AM
I'm currently in process of getting a sleeve on my left arm...despite my fears and anxieties, having a tattoo session actually brings me some peace.

I see ravens were mentioned earlier on...I have a Poe-inspired raven on my arm:


El Lukio
01-31-2014, 09:12 AM
What the fuck does this have to do with anxiety, retard

Ooh look, a troll! How quaint!

02-11-2014, 01:02 PM
Someone still here? Like I said before, I'm very interested in tattoos and always searching for a new tattoo idea (for my third tattoo).

I was thinking about one Eye of Horus tattoo. The main reason this tattoo is cool (in my opinion - I know there are others that don't like tattoos) is the meaning - I can actually relate to it: protection, power, strength and health. Here are some eye of Horus ideas (http://www.tattooneed.com/eye-of-horus-ra-tattoo-meaning-ideas-and-symbolism/) I had in mind.

Want to ask - anyone with an eye of Horus tattoo? What about the placement? Where would you put it?
Thanks and waiting for your answers.

Kyle Morgan
02-11-2014, 03:36 PM
Yeah I like the Bob Marley ones, in my opinion I would pick them, it's entirely up to you though. I've been thinking of getting a tattoo too, haven't thought of what I want yet though. Bob Marley, what a legend. R.I.P Bob Marley, an Awesome guy.

02-11-2014, 05:31 PM
I had a capital "M" placed on each butt cheek, when I bend over naked it says MOM. LOL If I stand on my head it says WOW. I feel like I got two tats for the price of

one. LOL Joking of course. Peace

that's funny as hell.. I just busted out laughing..

Irish Sammie
04-23-2014, 02:06 PM
Hey Ash,

My advice is just choose something that comes from you, and not a quote from someone else. I know they've done the "hard work" already coming up with something clever, but I think it will mean more to you if it's something you give some thought to and generate a conceptual phase that you create, from your mind.

I'm a designer, and I notice tacky, awful tattoos all the time. Rarely do I see unique work!

Irish Sammie
04-23-2014, 02:10 PM
I'm currently in process of getting a sleeve on my left arm...despite my fears and anxieties, having a tattoo session actually brings me some peace.

I see ravens were mentioned earlier on...I have a Poe-inspired raven on my arm:


Hey Luke!

What does it say on your tat? I can see "Neve..........." then I can't read the rest, heh! :)