View Full Version : Ran out of medication dont know what to do.

01-21-2014, 04:09 AM
Be ran out of my meds on Sunday and it's now Tuesday I can't book an appointment and no one seems to realise that I'm so scared to be off them for the first time I've woke up this morning crying and I'm able to get out pf bed. Also tomorrow my appointment is in the evening and so pharmacies will be shut so I won't be able to take it until Thursday. I'm scared what I will be like the next two days I'm already a state and don't know what to do I need some thing to help me

01-21-2014, 04:15 AM
You can go get an emergency prescription Mike. If you search for AnxiousAbi she had the same problem and got a few meds to ride her over until her prescription came.

If you go into to the pharmacy and ask, they'll give you a couple.

01-21-2014, 04:17 AM
Ok I rang up and they didn't mention that I will have to see of I can thankyou