View Full Version : Is this Anxiety?

01-20-2014, 09:31 AM
Hello, I am a 34 year old female from Holland.

From juni last year (2013) one day I got muscle contraction of the throat. It was very scary. I thought I would choke...I got them more often. Every 3 weeks or so...In september I was on a holiday in Mallorca en there I got a worse Attack. I was so tired after that that I hardly could walk. We saw a doctor there en is said to me that I have muscle contraction. I need to do yoga, tai chi etc... (till that time i didn't know what is was).

In januari 2012 I went to live together with my boyfriend. Before I lived alone for 4 years...Also I quited my job in the summer of 2012 because I had to travel A lot from my new home. I hoped to find a job faster but I didn't. Many changes. In november 2013, more than a year later, I found a new job.
I was so happy. Now all my problems are over. I thought...I worked three days than I collapse. In the three days I noticed that my legs where so tired, everything was too much. The incentives I couldn't handle. It was a nightmare. I couldn't think. My throat was getting thick..

After that three days I stopped working. It was too horrible. In the weeks after I got many weird things. choking, my tongue (also a muscle) had also a contraction, my hole body aches, I had hyperventilation, I couldn't stand on my feet in the morning. The morning are the most horrible. My breathing stopped at night. The whole day I layed In bed I couldn't do anything..

I have been to my docter, she said I have anxiety and stress. I have seen a docter in the hospitel for my throat, bloodtest, hearttest, everything is ok...

But I never experienced Anxiety. I was so glad to work. I thought is was a pity that it took so long before I got a job but it wasn't so that I thought about it all the time. I try to think positive and dit nice things...

Does anybody recognize the symptoms...?

Lots of love from Holland

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Today, 09:18 AM

01-20-2014, 09:43 AM
It does.. There are quite a few classic symptoms there.

A couple of people responded in your other thread, sorry for the delay. For some reason sometimes threads just slip through, and need to be bumped :)

Anxiety is weird, because it doesn't always feel like anxiety. You know when you're nervous, cos you can feel it, but anxiety is just a feeling something isn't right... Which is confusing, because you never know what that something is, and that's why you see people fill in the blanks - my hearts not right - my health isn't right.

Sounds like you've had some changes in your life. Sometimes that can cause anxiety to come along, even if they aren't necessarily bad changes.

You can feel pretty reassured by the tests you've had. Blood tests, heart tests especially, they are pretty thorough, so if something was truly wrong, it's very likely it'd have been spotted!

So yeah, you asked if anyone recognized the symptoms, my answer is for sure, of course lol :)

01-20-2014, 09:50 AM
If somebody recognize something, please respons. For 8 weeks now I have the symptoms all day. In the second week there was much fatique, walking was exhausted. The morning is so horrible, it feels like I have te climb the mount everest. When I lay in bed I think my legs couldn't carry me. My muscles are aichy all the time. sometimes my hand is so painful it feels like it is numbed en painful, the day after it may be over. the next time it could be my legs or stomach. I couldn't bare to much stimulus...and everyting goes very slowly. I have to think by every step I take. Now I had to shower now that. It is not automatically. It difficult to translate everything to English, but I try. Hope somebody respons...

01-20-2014, 09:51 AM
But I see you have it in attacks....Like in the shop of in the night...but are there also people who have it all the time??

01-20-2014, 09:52 AM
I don't mean 'you' but what I read on the forum....sorry