View Full Version : Important question....

01-19-2014, 05:02 PM
Has anyone ever gone to a Neurologist? I have these crazy head symptoms that are making me panic.

-Head pressure
-Eye pressure
-Blurry vision at night
-Double vision at times
-Sweaty hands & feet when panicking
-Light sensitivity
-Stiff neck

I have an awful habit of looking up my symptoms, but I get all these crazy illnesses.

What do you recommend me to do?

When I was on medication, it would take all these symptoms away.

01-19-2014, 07:03 PM
Has anyone ever gone to a Neurologist? I have these crazy head symptoms that are making me panic.

-Head pressure
-Eye pressure
-Blurry vision at night
-Double vision at times
-Sweaty hands & feet when panicking
-Light sensitivity
-Stiff neck

I have an awful habit of looking up my symptoms, but I get all these crazy illnesses.

What do you recommend me to do?

When I was on medication, it would take all these symptoms away.

So why live with all these symptoms, if medication took them away?

Yes, I just saw a Neurologist on the 15th.

I have to have an MRI, EEG, and an EMG now...YAY!!!

They deal with neurological disorders, diseases, things in the spine that affect the brain...You just have ANXIETY it appears....the intense type.


01-19-2014, 07:14 PM
Has anyone ever gone to a Neurologist? I have these crazy head symptoms that are making me panic.

-Head pressure
-Eye pressure
-Blurry vision at night
-Double vision at times
-Sweaty hands & feet when panicking
-Light sensitivity
-Stiff neck

I have an awful habit of looking up my symptoms, but I get all these crazy illnesses.

What do you recommend me to do?

When I was on medication, it would take all these symptoms away.

8 years ago, I had it all, I was checked by neurologists and others, it was not stroke, it was not inner ear infection (Ent checked me also) no stroke, The antidepressant took care of it. After 3 weeks of meds, no double vision, or blurry vision, no stiff neck. I almost killed myself on highway when suddenly, double vision attacked........
I do not say it is anxiety but it is probability. Hopefully is nothing serious. Good luck on your app with doc:)

01-19-2014, 08:00 PM
Has anyone ever gone to a Neurologist? I have these crazy head symptoms that are making me panic. -Head pressure -Eye pressure -Blurry vision at night -Spacey -Double vision at times -Sweaty hands & feet when panicking -Light sensitivity -Stiff neck I have an awful habit of looking up my symptoms, but I get all these crazy illnesses. What do you recommend me to do? When I was on medication, it would take all these symptoms away.

Have you ever looked up visual snow? Aka Scheerer's phenomena? I have all of the same symptoms above and also suffer from vs...it's a rare nuerological syndrome....but is not deadly/harmful other than the horrid side effects.

01-19-2014, 08:01 PM
Been there, had all of it. But, I'm also diabetic, and in the past it was unchecked and ignored by me. So, some of the symptoms you list are signs of high blood sugar. If there is any chance you could be diabetic, please get checked. It is so very important to eat properly and do what you have to when a diabetic. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.

Now, most of those symptoms are also signs of anxiety, but you should be checked out by doc just to be sure nothing else is going on. That is always the best way to handle it. Knowing everything is okay will put your mind at ease that something is wrong and keep it from running to wild thoughts.

01-19-2014, 09:33 PM
My dad is diabetic and two of my sisters have high blood pressure. My doctor and ob/gyn check my pressure and they say it's normal. There are times I eat something sweet and I start to feel weird. The first time I went to the hospital because of my first panic attack the doctor said I was low on Thyroid. Whatever that meant. My doctor did blood work and said it was none of that. She said I suffered from anxiety & depression. She prescribed me Zanax. A low dosage. She didn't want to give it to me anymore because she said I'd get addicted and that I had to see a psychiatrist. I never have though. The reason I am not taking medication is because I'm 6 weeks pregnant. When I did take my medication, all the symptoms would go away. I felt normal. Sadly but true! My doctor isn't that much supporting. I want to switch her to someone else who will actually take the time to hear me out. I think I'd feel more relaxed if I saw a neurologist. I've gone to the hospital, been seen by a few and they're not Neurologist but they said it has nothing to do with that. They said they aren't concerned of me having neurology problems, a brain tumor, diabetes, or a stroke. They've never done a CT Scan on me or none of that nature :(

01-19-2014, 09:38 PM
8 years ago, I had it all, I was checked by neurologists and others, it was not stroke, it was not inner ear infection (Ent checked me also) no stroke, The antidepressant took care of it. After 3 weeks of meds, no double vision, or blurry vision, no stiff neck. I almost killed myself on highway when suddenly, double vision attacked........
I do not say it is anxiety but it is probability. Hopefully is nothing serious. Good luck on your app with doc:)

After 3 weeks of meds, you haven't felf that way again? Are you still having anxiety or taking medication?

01-19-2014, 09:40 PM
Have you ever looked up visual snow? Aka Scheerer's phenomena? I have all of the same symptoms above and also suffer from vs...it's a rare nuerological syndrome....but is not deadly/harmful other than the horrid side effects.

Did your doctor confirmed that? What's VS? I wished I can tell my doctor to check me for all this. I've asked her before about Lyme (lol) but that's when she asked if I was looking up my symptoms? And if I am to not be doing that.

01-20-2014, 01:34 AM
With medication, you should use proper healthy diet such as carrot is very good for vision.

Thank you! My eyes are dry & itchy.

01-20-2014, 06:09 AM
Did your doctor confirmed that? What's VS? I wished I can tell my doctor to check me for all this. I've asked her before about Lyme (lol) but that's when she asked if I was looking up my symptoms? And if I am to not be doing that.

Vs=visual snow. I was diagnosed by two different neurologists after an insane battery of tests. It's probably the most annoying syndrome, when it's bad my anxiety skyrockets and I can barely get out of bed :(

01-20-2014, 09:09 AM
Vs=visual snow. I was diagnosed by two different neurologists after an insane battery of tests. It's probably the most annoying syndrome, when it's bad my anxiety skyrockets and I can barely get out of bed :(

I get the visual snow when I have a migraine. My vision is nothing but his visual snow for about an hour while this migraine is going on.

01-20-2014, 12:41 PM
I get the visual snow when I have a migraine. My vision is nothing but his visual snow for about an hour while this migraine is going on.

That's how mine started when I was in my early twenties, then after one migraine it never went away. Some days are worse than others but I see it everyday now.

01-20-2014, 02:25 PM
Same here. I have good and bad days. My heart was pounding fast and normal last night and even throughout the day after a meal. Can it be because I'm pregnant?

01-20-2014, 02:25 PM
Because before it would happened really rare.