View Full Version : I think Aspartame may be causing my anxiety

02-17-2008, 08:21 PM
I have read on a bunch of websites that aspartame can cause anxiety, so about three months ago I quit using it totally. My anxiety seemed to subside and then about 7 weeks into it, I began having dizzy spells so I thought that my problems must not be from aspartame so I started drinking my 3-4 cans of diet mt dew again. A week later my anxiety went rampant. I couldn't go out with my friends and I was avoiding people at work because I was panicky all the time. Last week I quit all aspartame again and I am feeling a little better again already. My floaters have decreased and I'm not getting my daily head pressure feeling as much. A lot of people seem to think that aspartame is natural proteins that can't hurt you unless it sits in the sun and converts to wood alcohol or you drink more than 3 liters of diet soda a day. I swear that it is affecting me in some way or something else in diet drinks is. Has anyone else experienced this with diet sodas?

02-18-2008, 10:16 AM
I haven't experienced anxiety from it, but I have had other issues with ANYTHING containing aspartame. It makes me sick to my stomach, jittery and leaves a very sickly sweet taste in my mouth that I cannot get rid of.

02-18-2008, 05:35 PM
I totally think aspartame has something to do with anxiety. I too find that it can trigger my anxiety, not too mention, whenever i consume it, it's usually with some form of caffeine (coffee or diet coke) which also doesn't help. One day last week at work, i had two diet cokes and one regular coffee with sweetener, and i felt like i was going blind- i could barely see anything my vision was sooo off. My eyes couldn't focus, i was experiencing lots of floaters, etc. Also, if you do some internet research, aspartame has def. been linked to anxiety. Look it up! Also- i like decaf coffee with splenda (splenda doesn't have aspartame) and Diet Coke with splenda (hard to find, but worth it!)

02-18-2008, 06:10 PM
Haha I remember back in the day where I rank 4 monster energy drinks a day. Mmm those things were so good. THat and Rockstars, full throttles are great. Damn anxiety I miss those suckers. YUmmaLICIOUS.

02-19-2008, 02:42 PM
Oh my god - I had no idea aspartame had been linked with anxiety. I used to drink a 2 litre bottle of diet coke a day but switched to caffeine free because i had the major jitters all day and rampant worry. My jitters have gone but I can't shake the worrying, even though I am getting the odd day of clarity. Maybe its the aspartame.