View Full Version : What do you do??

01-17-2014, 06:05 PM
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great. I've personally been doing pretty good lately with the anxiety crap (except for some rough days here and there). I was just wondering though about this feeling I get sometimes randomly. Everything will be normal and then all of the sudden I feel soooo weird. Like I all of the sudden feel really stoned for no reason. It is so scary. I think it's depersonalization or derealization. I'm not entirely sure of what those mean and don't feel like doing all the research. I like reading things in plain understandable English, not confusing scientific language with big fancy words.

Anyway, for those who suffer this too, what do you do when it happens? What helps you? Any advice or comments at all would help. Thanks

01-17-2014, 06:34 PM
Hi there! I've sort of been going through the same thing you have, except I feel this almost all the time. I actually just posted about it. I feel like I'm dreaming all the time and it's crazy isn't it? I feel like I'm not in control but I am. There's medicine you can take for anxiety, but there's not really anything specific for depersonalization or derealization.

01-17-2014, 11:36 PM
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing great. I've personally been doing pretty good lately with the anxiety crap (except for some rough days here and there). I was just wondering though about this feeling I get sometimes randomly. Everything will be normal and then all of the sudden I feel soooo weird. Like I all of the sudden feel really stoned for no reason. It is so scary. I think it's depersonalization or derealization. I'm not entirely sure of what those mean and don't feel like doing all the research. I like reading things in plain understandable English, not confusing scientific language with big fancy words. Anyway, for those who suffer this too, what do you do when it happens? What helps you? Any advice or comments at all would help. Thanks

I've experienced a similar thing. Mostly only happens at night when I'm really anxious. Even though I don't believe medication is the answer, the only thing that seemed to work was taking .5mg of lorazepam. It would calm me down enough to cope with those moments.

01-18-2014, 12:35 AM
I get this a lot too. I look around and feel like I'm in slow motion sometimes. It makes me scared a little and sometimes can make me really panic. Lately I have been trying to "ride with it" and I keep saying it can't hurt me. But I still have that voice saying "this means something is really wrong with me"!!! Health anxiety is the worst, obsessing over every symptom does my head in