View Full Version : Giving it a try

01-17-2014, 04:59 PM
I have been taking Xanax every night .5 mg to go to sleep for about the past month and tonight I am going to try to not take it I've been feeling 'ok' today and I haven't felt ok in a long time so I'm hoping I can get some actual sleep! I'm just so scared of getting dependent on the Xanax I want to be able to relax and unwind and sleep without it... Any tips on how I can relax and get to sleep? Thank you in advance to anybody tht can help :)

01-17-2014, 06:34 PM
This is tough, because if it's helping to "turn your brain off" then it's going to be hard to quit cold turkey, especially with that particular medication. If I was going to try too, I would have an alternate in place like benedryl, or a natural like valerian, or a hormone like meltonin...for when you realize it's so hard to get to sleep...just some thoughts...

Is that what was prescribed for sleep to you if I may ask that??


01-17-2014, 06:51 PM
It was prescribed prn but I've only been taking it at night because before I would jerk awake from my sleep Every night and my heart rate would be crazy high and I would go into complete panic mode :/ it really works but that's also the problem it REALLY works lol I just don't want to go thru withdrawal and all that stuff I'm in nursing school and today we were talking about psych meds and in particular benzos and their dependency and that freaked me out so I wanted to start coming off of it but I'm feeling so anxious already :( ugh vicious cycle

01-17-2014, 06:53 PM
Thanks Frankie I'm going to try the tea and look up some videos on YouTube :)

01-17-2014, 07:00 PM
Yea I have an appointment with my gp next week and I am going to talk to him about it ... They once prescribed me something called atarax when I wen to the er and they said it would help me sleep but it had the complete opposite effect my heart started racing and I felt so out of it so I'm kind of hesitant to try new meds but I really need some good sleep!

01-17-2014, 07:55 PM
It was prescribed prn but I've only been taking it at night because before I would jerk awake from my sleep Every night and my heart rate would be crazy high and I would go into complete panic mode :/ it really works but that's also the problem it REALLY works lol I just don't want to go thru withdrawal and all that stuff I'm in nursing school and today we were talking about psych meds and in particular benzos and their dependency and that freaked me out so I wanted to start coming off of it but I'm feeling so anxious already :( ugh vicious cycle

Here's something for your nursing school report:
1. I took xanax every day for 7 years, at 3mg.
2. My old Doc pi**ed me off, because he dropped my oldest daughter (before I knew she was a drug addict). He delivered her, 21 years prior.
3. I quit taking the xanax on Nov 23rd, 2012. And, sealed the bottle. I did not take another..
4. I went through 10 days of hell and misery and could not sleep...(7 YEARS 3 MG at night)....
5. But after that,...I never took another pill to sleep.
6. It's "mainly" about turning your brain off, when you're laying there, stareing at the ceiling, and to stop worrying about everything.
7. On Nov 23rd, of 2013..my new Doc asked if I wanted to try xanax??? and I didn't even ask her about them....Ironic?

Don't worry about 30 days...if it isn't broken yet, don't fix it...but as you're preparing for them not being there, is a good idea.

Just a short story.


01-17-2014, 08:12 PM
Yeah I wimped out and took one cuz I was pretty much freakin out but yeah 3 mg 7 yrs? You're a very strong person cuz I kno benzo withdrawal can b a bitch ...And I'm pretty much freakin out for takin em only a month :/ I kno pathetic lol I think bein in nursing school makes me more anxiety prone and makes me overthink things and makes me even more of a hypochondriac lol but it's what I love... Nursing so I'm not going to let this get in the way of my dream I guess I'm just going to have to taper off them gradually until I feel comfortable... Thanks for sharing :)

01-17-2014, 08:24 PM
The videos on you tube are great. I enjoy the sound of water flowing smoothly, as well as on Pandora I have Zen Garden, good stuff. To date the best thing I have found for me is brainsync.com Follow the directions, I found they are there for a reason. Research it, I'm not very in the know about this new approach all I can say is it works and results are fast. I sure wish you well. You'll do fine working off the Xanax, but if you're not sure don't push yourself too hard or expect perfection in the beginning. I'd go down to half of what you normally take maybe, but I'm not a doctor. I took Xanax for a few months, more than you are, and I slowly stopped them after I learned some thinking skills, mostly. I think the hype about the terrible withdrawals on the net are highly over rated. I don't recommend you read that stuff right now. If you were using these pills for recreational use I'd tell you something else. .5 is nothing. Just my opinion.


01-17-2014, 11:04 PM
Without meds? Chanting music! Seriously, so good to help with sleep because, at least in my experience, the chanting is what I focus on and it keeps the intrusive thoughts at bay. Try with Krishna das and see if it works.

BUT there was a time when I did need meds to sleep. My doctor will put me on a sleep med for a week or two (depending on the situation) when I can't sleep on my own. After the week or so the med is supposed to put you back in a rythm. So if you can't sleep on your own know that there are things the doctor can do.

01-17-2014, 11:12 PM
I heard some bad opinion about Xanax, but I would rather think it deepens on person who take it. Some personalities are prone to develop dependency, faster than average Joe. A lot of people abuse the drugs for whatever reason.

I have the feeling Alis you are not the case :)
I always recommend my favorite herb for anxiety, of course only to help not to replace any drugs. it is lemon balm, not only delicious but it also have calming effect.. I have it in my garden and lately I started to make extracts, I put 25 drops a bit of water and my shot ready to go. On weekend I replace my 0.5 clonazepam with three shots of that:)) three times a day.
It will help a tiny bit...Valerian root is very good also, but is not wise to use it everyday. With all herbs there is a golden rule: use for 4-6 weeks, then two weeks break:))

Talk to your doc, when I feel strong aversion to some meds, my psych changes the medication for me:)