View Full Version : Blood test came back good, but why don't I feel any better?

01-16-2014, 04:28 PM
So I got my blood test back and the doctor told me that more or less everything is fine except a slightly higher level of c-reactive but that could be from anything including the tense muscles I have been having. However I thought hearing back that I was fine has not made my anxiety any less worse or go away. Its even getting weirder now as today I was really anxious for no reason, I wasn't even having any physical symptoms I just felt uneasy like something bad was going to happen to me. I think I am also falling for the trap that my mind just looks for anything out of the normal regardless so its always giving me something to worry about.

What are some steps I can do to relive this? I already exercise when I can, and I eat pretty healthy most of the time. I fear that if I keep going this direction it will start to have some serious impacts in my life, career and girlfriend. I wish to stop my anxiety before it gets to the point of needing medication ect.

Its just hard for me to understand why my anxiety has been getting to this level as this goes completely against my character. Only couple month ago I was feeling fine, but now I don't even remember what normal feels like.

James Spiers
01-16-2014, 05:23 PM
So I got my blood test back and the doctor told me that more or less everything is fine except a slightly higher level of c-reactive but that could be from anything including the tense muscles I have been having. However I thought hearing back that I was fine has not made my anxiety any less worse or go away. Its even getting weirder now as today I was really anxious for no reason, I wasn't even having any physical symptoms I just felt uneasy like something bad was going to happen to me. I think I am also falling for the trap that my mind just looks for anything out of the normal regardless so its always giving me something to worry about.

What are some steps I can do to relive this? I already exercise when I can, and I eat pretty healthy most of the time. I fear that if I keep going this direction it will start to have some serious impacts in my life, career and girlfriend. I wish to stop my anxiety before it gets to the point of needing medication ect.

Its just hard for me to understand why my anxiety has been getting to this level as this goes completely against my character. Only couple month ago I was feeling fine, but now I don't even remember what normal feels like.

Unfortunately anxiety can often be a self perpetuating cycle. The psychological symptoms trigger the physical which then re trigger the psychological and so on. As anxiety is primarily concerned with the nervous system, even after the negative thoughts/worry/panic have subsided (such as confirmation of clear blood tests) one of two things (or both) can happen. 1. The momentum of doubting your health continues i.e "did the doctor miss something/were the minor anomalies something that could eventually be problematic etc etc.) 2. Even when your mind is calm your body may still go through the physical symptoms of the nervous disorder (for example the fight/flight response). The physical symptoms can then cause you to panic or worry that it "may be more than anxiety" leading to further anxiety and ultimately further symptoms. The key (which is easier said than done), is to find something that works for you to break the cycle (some suggest exercise etc) the problem is whilst in theory exercise will burn off excess adrenaline, it can also increase adrenaline and heart rate (making the symptoms worse) it does work for some people however. Others like myself find that calming the system works better (focused deep breathing). A popular set of techniques for anxiety disorders here in the UK at the moment are based on "Mindfulness" (google it) I have known many people find it very effective in the management of anxiety. (Sorry for the thesis length reply) Best of luck!

01-16-2014, 06:32 PM
You don't feel better because there is no safe place to hide from anxiety

You think that once you get the answer to this or that, you will feel normal

Problem is that your anxiety will just search for something else for you to focus on so it can keep you afraid