View Full Version : Shortness of breath and dizziness

01-16-2014, 12:24 PM
These symptoms I'm having is making me paranoid of getting heart attack. My cholesterol, blood pressure and weight is good. Still below 35 years of age..do you guys feel the same?

01-16-2014, 12:52 PM
These symptoms I'm having is making me paranoid of getting heart attack. My cholesterol, blood pressure and weight is good. Still below 35 years of age..do you guys feel the same?

This can be a form of anxiety! I would do the same thing. I'd get nauseous too. It isn't fun but practice deep breathing techniques when this happens and get GABA and Rescue Remedy. You can order online or get from most health food stores.

01-16-2014, 01:02 PM
Rachel, u mean u experienced the same symptoms too? I am taking citalopram and I think it's not working anymore. Planning to stop on medication and just go natural like GABA..

01-16-2014, 01:07 PM
Rachel, u mean u experienced the same symptoms too? I am taking citalopram and I think it's not working anymore. Planning to stop on medication and just go natural like GABA..

Yes. I experienced those same things. And good! Natural is the way to go. All medication does is put a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it.

01-16-2014, 02:05 PM
Thanks James. I am currently taking citalopram, really really interested to try natural like GABA, valerian and stuffs like that. I will start to look where I can get hypnotherapy, I am interested to try it.. I don't think citalopram is helping me and I don't want any prescription medication anymore..thanks for your reply, of course it helped a lot..

01-16-2014, 02:12 PM
Shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness in parts of my body, chest pain... I've had it all. Everybody tries to convince me that it's all anxiety related. I've even gone to the emergency a few times only to be told it's all in my head (kind of embarrassing). Despite all that, an anxious mind always expects the worse and is never satisfied with the "rational" explanations. It's all part of struggling with anxiety. Just know that you are not alone :)

01-16-2014, 02:17 PM
Thanks Darwin!