View Full Version : Just need to vent

01-16-2014, 11:44 AM
Anxiety and anger, been feeling out of control of everything. Stress of job is starting to bring me down...coworkers are idiots..nobody cares about me ......I'm always alone..........Spent an outrageous amount of money on a dating service( totally out of character for me) How am I gonna pay for this, met a nice women, said she would like to see me again, but she is out of town this week and busy this weekend............Am I being blown off?? .... so lonely...so tired...not happy...not content...need a new car...nobody wants to date a guy who drives a beat-up old truck......diet and workout hard...still look pathetic.....I have no style...my clothes are all wrong...will be 50 in another year...wanted to take a Birthday cruise, but rates doubled because Bday is near new years...i already pay double since I'm alone, can't afford 4 times the amount for a trip.....almost 50 and never had real birthday party....start crying for no reason...just so tired

Just everything that is running through my mind since the new year..meds are not really helping, unless taken after several drinks......I never drink during the week...but the bottle is sitting on counter for last two weeks, I gotta get a grip. I feel better now, i just had to say it out-loud( or type it). There is no one who can understand me except those who live it. I'll be OK, I always am.

Thanx for listening.