View Full Version : Whats the worst panic attack you've ever had (symptoms)? Was this a panic attack????

01-15-2014, 07:37 PM
As the question states, I'm wondering what the worst panic attack you have ever had is? I know we all experience them differently, symptoms, etc. A lot of our symptoms cross over or over lap. If you look it up, you'll get over a hundred possible "symptoms" someone can experience that would be considered a panic attack. This is probably the most frustrating thing to me. At the lack of anything else definitive, it was just anxiety.

I had open heart surgery 8 years ago. I'm 39 now. Aortic Valve replacement. I also have been diagnosed with an anxiety/panic disorder. Yeah, lucky me. As far as my heart goes it is completely fine condition, so I'm told by regular echo's and my doctors.

I recently had an...experience I suppose you could call it. I had just got done working out. literally just finished. And that "feeling" started to some over me. You know the one, seconds before you know you are going to have a panic attack. Well it came. But this was different. I laid on the couch, it started to happen, flush feeling, adrenaline rush, heart started to beat out of my chest, shortness of breath, panic, then all of the sudden my mussels began to tighten up. And this is where I've been headed with all of this. When I say my muscles I don't just mean a little or a few, I mean EVERY MUSCLE IN MY BODY, LITERALLY. I really thought I was dying. My entire body seemed to seize, to the point where I began to curl into a ball and I couldn't even speak, my jaw mussels had locked up. My girlfriend was there with me and started to go into a panic. Called 911. Was brought to the ER and a whole number of tests done. At the end of it all, I was told....panic attack. Nothing else was wrong.

I'm still having a hard time accepting this. I have had many panic attacks over the last 13 years, unfortunately. Of varying degrees, but I've never experienced anything like this.

Has ANYONE out there had something like this happen to them or anyone they know? or exactly this? I'd really like to know. I'd appreciate any responses and thank you for reading!


Terre Nova
01-15-2014, 07:49 PM
As the question states, I'm wondering what the worst panic attack you have ever had is? I know we all experience them differently, symptoms, etc. A lot of our symptoms cross over or over lap. If you look it up, you'll get over a hundred possible "symptoms" someone can experience that would be considered a panic attack. This is probably the most frustrating thing to me. At the lack of anything else definitive, it was just anxiety.

I had open heart surgery 8 years ago. I'm 39 now. Aortic Valve replacement. I also have been diagnosed with an anxiety/panic disorder. Yeah, lucky me. As far as my heart goes it is completely fine condition, so I'm told by regular echo's and my doctors.

I recently had an...experience I suppose you could call it. I had just got done working out. literally just finished. And that "feeling" started to some over me. You know the one, seconds before you know you are going to have a panic attack. Well it came. But this was different. I laid on the couch, it started to happen, flush feeling, adrenaline rush, heart started to beat out of my chest, shortness of breath, panic, then all of the sudden my mussels began to tighten up. And this is where I've been headed with all of this. When I say my muscles I don't just mean a little or a few, I mean EVERY MUSCLE IN MY BODY, LITERALLY. I really thought I was dying. My entire body seemed to seize, to the point where I began to curl into a ball and I couldn't even speak, my jaw mussels had locked up. My girlfriend was there with me and started to go into a panic. Called 911. Was brought to the ER and a whole number of tests done. At the end of it all, I was told....panic attack. Nothing else was wrong.

I'm still having a hard time accepting this. I have had many panic attacks over the last 13 years, unfortunately. Of varying degrees, but I've never experienced anything like this.

Has ANYONE out there had something like this happen to them or anyone they know? or exactly this? I'd really like to know. I'd appreciate any responses and thank you for reading!


Pretty much the same as you but when my muscles tense they also go into pins and needles all over my body and classic can't breathe which ive actually passed out from...

01-15-2014, 08:01 PM
Pretty much the same as you but when my muscles tense they also go into pins and needles all over my body and classic can't breathe which ive actually passed out from...

Sorry if this is redundant, but you have had all the muscles seize up in your body, even your mouth? Have you had this happen more than once, is it a regular occurrence when you hv an attack? I've never passed out myself, felt like I would, right to the edge, but havent. Thank you for your response!

Terre Nova
01-15-2014, 09:05 PM
Sorry if this is redundant, but you have had all the muscles seize up in your body, even your mouth? Have you had this happen more than once, is it a regular occurrence when you hv an attack? I've never passed out myself, felt like I would, right to the edge, but havent. Thank you for your response!

I can clench my teeth and my whole body tenses, but it was only like that when i began to have panic attacks... Not really anymore.. :)

01-15-2014, 09:23 PM
The worst one I've ever had was about something so immensely dumb.

I was to go to an assembly at my school and I put my backpack in my friend's locker. Later on, she said she was feeling sick, so she went home.

It soon dawned on me that I didn't know her locker combination and I couldn't get my backpack back. Apparently, to me at this time, it was a dire situation.

Right when it dawned on me, my stomach dropped and I began to feel panicky. I kept cool, however, internally telling myself it wasn't a big deal, I could get it tomorrow, and I didn't have any homework or anything I needed (other than my cellphone, which I could use a friend's cellphone).

When I get panicky, I tend to have a urge to cry. Usually, once I do cry, I'm fine. I guess it's a release. But as there was the entire grade ten student body, and I couldn't just run to a washroom, I told myself I wouldn't cry. So, I sat there, internally debating with myself while others looked on at a gang video.

I started to joke around with people around me, but the panic just kept getting worse and worse. I now know that I should just let it do it's thing instead of letting it boil and brew into something worse. At the end, I just blew.

I exploded into a sob, and a tonne of things happened that I had never experienced before or had never had that bad before. I started hyperventilating, I was trembling, everything was a blur around me (tunnel vision, I guess?), my heart was pounding, and I was so dizzy I couldn't stand up straight.

My classmates around me just stared at me, which added to my panic attack since I was embarrassed and I choked out "Get teacher." The rest was a blur and I found myself sitting at the bottom of the bleachers, which was amazing according to how dizzy I was.

At that time, my PE teacher tried to comfort me and I heard my name on the announcements. So, my teacher helped me (she practically carried me) to the office. My backpack was there. I felt even more stupid.

I walked home with a good friend, even though my teacher insisted I call my mom to pick me up. I was still dizzy, but my friend helped me talk it out as she knew about my problems with anxiety. Then I talked with my mom about it when I got home.

The next day, everyone asked me what happened and if I was okay. That was nice of them, but I still felt ashamed of myself. And I still do today.