View Full Version : My Offering...

02-13-2008, 05:25 PM
I've gotten a lot of flack for offering the Linden Method to users on here, but I will continue to post, because I feel the program does work. Charles Linden is not a snake-oil salesman, although he does stretch the truth about his program. It is not a quick fix, and it's not a rapid recovery, but if you stick to what he says diligently, it will help you and you will see dramatic changes in how you respond to events over time.

It may be easier to pop pills and be perpetually sedated to deal with your problems, but I can tell you if you have not gone on medication yet, don't. I was on the highest dosage of Zoloft for Social Anxiety Disorder, and it helped, but only up until a point. Then, I started having side effects that made me feel like crap all the time, so it just wasn't worth it.

The Linden Method is great for teaching you how to get past your anxiety, get off your medication, and live your life. Not everyone succeeds with it, so this is why I want to offer the program to anybody on here for $10. $177 is the retail price. I just wanted to leave this offer open to anyone who thinks the Linden Method could work, but doesn't want to spend the large amount ordering off of Linden's website to see if they can get relief by using it.

I would send you copies of all the same materials you would get if you bought it from a store. The only difference is you would not be eligible for the 1 year of phone/email support. I never used that option when I was going through the program, and I still succeeded with it, but if you feel more comfortable having that support there, it's probably better to spend the full price on the program.

I realize this has been discussed many times before on these and many other forums. Many people say it's a scam program, but I bought it and it helped me out a lot. I still use it to this day, and am grateful that I stumbled across it. If you would like a copy of the materials, let me know, and I will give you more info.

02-13-2008, 08:57 PM
That's great that you are offering his program which has helped you but I recommend you ask the owner first before doing something like this.

You don't want to get into legal problems with him for your being grateful. That wouldn't be very fun. :(

02-13-2008, 09:20 PM
That's great that you are offering his program which has helped you but I recommend you ask the owner first before doing something like this.

You don't want to get into legal problems with him for your being grateful. That wouldn't be very fun. :(

This is true.