View Full Version : Xanax taper?

01-09-2014, 07:43 PM
Hi! Just wanted to know anyone else's experiences with tapering off of xanax...... I've been taking it about two years everyday.... Started with 1 mg then 2, 3 etc..... I usually take 3 but have been taking 4 😑........ So I put it back down to right under 3mg..... I don't want to completely stop for obvious reasons lol. But has anyone tried the whole tapering slowly thing? Thanks :)

01-10-2014, 08:58 AM
The Ashton method is the best taper, it's what doctors use. You can find the info online, or PM me your email and I'll send you the ebook.

How low do you want to go?

01-10-2014, 05:06 PM
Slow taper is best. A switch to klonopin might be done after you get down a mg or 2 but you maybe be able to taper down nicely if you take you time. That's the key. You don't always have to switch meds or can after getting way down and stable on a new lower dose. Going slow is the key. Alankay

01-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Well I'd like to be at no more than 1mg and eventually less than that........ I was looking around and I'm seeing it might take me until April to get to that level...... Which is fine I started yesterday.... I know it'll take time of course and I hope to not have to use another med to help. I have Klonopins but they never did much for me. Thank you both for your replies :)