View Full Version : Suffering from anxiety and need hope and help!

01-06-2014, 07:08 PM
Here's my story..
I'm 23..about 3 months ago I had my first anxiety attack. At first i thought i was dying ive never been so scared in my life. Since than i have experienced multiple a day and feel like my life is over. Its interfering with work and I went to the doctor and recently just started taking cipralex .. at first i was on 10 mg and i was upped to 20mg. i am feeling a lot better in the sense that my attacks arent every day anymore and do not last as long... im on my 5th week of taking the medication. i am looking for some hope and help to get me through. i am afraid of going out with my friends and going anywhere in case i have an attack bc i always feel like i have to leave when i have an attack bc i freak out and its embarrassing and terrifying... its really ruining my life. although i am improving i still get attacks and i still have a nervous feeling for most of the days... it sucks so much im just not myself. anyone have any help or advice ? please!!

01-06-2014, 07:13 PM
http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Earial%5E_%5E0%5E_%5E0%5E_%5EWELCOME LEXIII%5E_%5E.gif

Anxiety is scary and you have nothing to be embarrased about. Have you identified any triggers for your attacks?

01-06-2014, 07:13 PM
You have to now find what are your triggers.... Figure out what triggered all attacks and try to stay away from those triggers! Learn the symptoms of a panic attack so when it comes you won't be so scared you will be able to calm down before it get to a full blown attack!

01-06-2014, 07:23 PM
i am not to sure the triggers.. although i am a worrier in general thats my personality, theres never something specific happening when i have an attack.
i find when i have an attack in front of people im embarassed bc i feel out of control and scared.. it sucks! i can have an attack while having a normal conversation. i found that since ive had my first attack the sensations of getting one back is constant. are you guys on meds and do they help ?? i am afraid of going places where ill feel trapped like i cant leave.. like going out for dinner or being in line at a store and having someone in front of me and behind me ... i never used to feel like this till the attacks started. like i said I'm new to attacks about 3 months and 5 weeks in on meds... so im really freaked out and sad.

01-06-2014, 07:25 PM
now my fear is having an attack in front of people ! and i am worrrying about not being able to work bc they are consuming me and im terrified that ill never be normal agian :(

01-06-2014, 07:33 PM
No meds here, just absorbing as much information as i can and trying to understand anxiety as a whole and it's effects on us, that's my nature, i need to understand everything.

It's just another one of lifes challenges that we need to get through on our life journey. Anxiety is phsychological, and once we remind ourselves of this it becomes easier to cope with, for me at least.

Our minds control our bodys, so it is our own minds making us feel this way and we need ti identify the underlying issue.

Remember above all that you are not going to die from anxiety, if you have health concerns then see your GP and request whatever tests you feel you need in order to put your mind at ease.

01-06-2014, 07:36 PM
yes ive had halter monitor, ecg , blood work etc... all is fine... just bad anxiety.. how do you cope when you feel an attack coming on ? or during a full blown attack ?

01-06-2014, 07:38 PM
When I feel an attack is coming on I take a deep breathe or I start to pace back and fourth or I call somebody on the phone! You have I pin point the symptoms of your anxiety right before it start so before it gets to a full blown attack you can pull yourself out of that!

01-06-2014, 07:41 PM
i find it soo hard to pull my self out or calm myself.. im also new to this so hopefully i can take your advice. what about if youre around people and it happens how do you deal?

01-06-2014, 07:43 PM
Just excuse yourself and go and find a quite place for a moment or two.

01-06-2014, 07:44 PM
When I'm around people unusually just leave the situation and agin go outside or somewhere where in alone and can get some air! Cold air helps because it's hard to continue to panic when you cold as hell! You be thinking about why it's so cold and not really the panic you know? Again you have to find your triggers and if you can't so that you have to identify your symptoms so when they come you can calm yourself down! But sometimes panic attacks come so sudden it be hard to calm down once they have already reached a peak

01-06-2014, 07:45 PM
yes ive had halter monitor, ecg , blood work etc... all is fine... just bad anxiety.. how do you cope when you feel an attack coming on ? or during a full blown attack ?

I also practice breathing exercises, I can suggest a few sites to check out, they seem to help a bunch. I also find that any type of distraction works, I saw CdFrank mentioned making a phone call, I think that's a great suggestion, I've done that before and it helps as well.

Something I started last week that worked for a bit was repeating a mantra in my head, for me it was "strength and virility", which sounds a bit silly but seemed to work. Good luck!

01-06-2014, 07:48 PM
thank you everyone!!