View Full Version : anxiety being an a**hole today :(

01-06-2014, 01:25 PM
Today has been rough. On break at work . Last night was my first day registering for this website and I was feeling so confident and good at hone. Now today is the complete opposite of what I was hoping. Anxiety is throwing all of it's symptoms ay me today. All neurological. They scare me more than the chest pain. I'm trying to remind myself it's anxiety buy it's so hard sometimes. My first doc appointment is tomorrow. It's been 5 months this 14 since my first panic attack. I think it'll really help going. Ugh I could get over this anxiety if i would stop getting all of these symptoms!
Symptoms today
-sharp head pains(freak me out)
-pressure headache and burning on top
-eye feels prickly like somethings in them
-pins and needles in leg and fingertips and random areas
-arms feel detatched
-head feels kind of numb
-get these weird head rush feelings. Like I'm having a stroke or something. Hard to explain a lot of these neurological ones.

Ugh I'm convinced it's something worse. Health anxiety is the worse. If this truly is anxiety I'm amazed by all the symptoms it causes. I could truly get over anxiety if it stoped making all of these and creating more symptoms. Hope everyone day is going great and strong!!

01-06-2014, 02:02 PM
This really is anxitey,it's a right pain in the backside,I know you don't believe me as that's part of it to ahhhhh
You will be fine,maybe ask the doctor to give you something to Carm you down

01-06-2014, 02:23 PM
Yes, it's anxiety anxiety give you more symptoms then the actual illnesses we are scared if but I have all the symptoms and even more and plus I have acid reflux which makes it ALOT worse for me! When you go to the doctor it may be able to ease your mind because they can rule out some things for you and help you to stop worrying thinking it's something serious! Maybe they can even give you Xanax

01-06-2014, 02:37 PM
Anxiety is being awful here today too. *hugs*

01-06-2014, 03:03 PM
Rough day here too. It's good to know others understand your day. X

01-06-2014, 03:10 PM
I was "supposed" to see a Neurologist today,,..too cold for them apparently. Gawd it's only -40....I made it! ....:)