View Full Version : Metoprolol & Celexa combination.. HELP!

01-04-2014, 09:40 PM
Hello :) I'm new here and am hoping to be able to calm my panic with some positive feedback. My new Dr prescribed me Metoprolol extended release 25mg & Celexa 20mg and I've read online that there is moderae drug interactions between the two. I'm a 25yr old female and am prescribed the Metoprolol for high blood pressure & rapid racing heartbeat, I'm prescribed Celexa for panic attacks & depression, mostly for panic attacks as they have been occurring daily and a few times a day. I'm now freaking myself out about the drug interaction between the two! I started the Metoprolol 3 days ago, I take it at 12pm and was told to take the Celexa before bed but I have yet to start it yet because I'm so freaked out! Has anyone else taken this combination and have/had no problems? Please help! Is this a bad combination or not? My Dr and pharmacist say it's fine and to just monitor but I would love to hear from someone who has actually taken these two medicines together! Thank you in advance :)

01-04-2014, 10:16 PM
Hello :) My new Dr prescribed me Metoprolol extended release 25mg & Celexa 20mg and I've read online that there is moderae drug interactions between the two.... My Dr and pharmacist say it's fine and to just monitor but I would love to hear from someone who has actually taken these two medicines together! Thank you in advance :)

I saw the interaction that you mention, possibly resulting in a slight increase in the Metoprolol levels. But the starting dose of Metoprolol is 25 mg to 100 mg, gradually worked up to a Max of 400 mg. I couldn't believe it would be an issue for you, the interaction checker is not considering the dose. If it were an issue, your pulse would be slow. If you're running a resting pulse above 60, there shouldn't be any worry. Mine drops into the 50s at night, the doctors say that's still fine.

I take 5 different pills in the morning and 3 at night, you should see the interactions listed for me.

Check the pulse, if it's as I said, don't worry.