View Full Version : Weight gain on cipralex

02-10-2008, 09:13 AM
Well i started taking cipralex in about august. I have noticed a siginifant amount of weight I have gained. Has anybody else found this side effect on cipralex. I mean I know it is a side effect, just kinda seeing how many people out there it has effected, and if it did, what they did to help them. My docotor told me I could also go on a weight loss pill to help, but i dont really think thats the route> it is tempting considering I workout and everything but the pounds keep coming!

02-10-2008, 10:50 AM
Is the pill working? I doubt weight gain is a side effect of a pill. Its probably because you are feeling better and decide to eat more. I know I have lost 35 something pounds due to anxiety. So the problem is not that the pill is making you gain weight but rather you are feeling better. ;)

Try drinking only water instead of any soda, even diet sodas are bad for the fact most have caffeine. Caffeine makes you crave sugar and is just plain bad for you.

02-10-2008, 08:48 PM
Yes it is working, im going up on my dosage for a bit, then back down, then hopefully sooner before later, i go off:)
It is a side effect of cipralex, i know celexa has that in some people to, acually celexa can swin both way for a person, it can increase weight loss as well
yeah im happy im not a big soda person once in a blue moon, i dirnk lots of water, and about 1 1/2 cups of coffee int he morning
are you on cipralex as well?

02-10-2008, 09:29 PM
Nope, it was just a guess. When people feel better their appetite generally increases. Im glad its working for you though. Yeah coffee is bad too, unless its decaf. Caffeine makes you crave sugar. But I am sure that your routine is fine.

Hope this works out well for you.

02-11-2008, 11:41 PM
hey there, from what I heard you cant pick up weight with cipralex i made sure of this before going on it and consultated two different doctors to make sure. How much weight have you picked up exactly? Have you asked your doctor about it and who told you you can pick up weight from it?

02-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Hello there!
I am am medical transcriptionist, and in my books it said it is possible to either have weight gain, or weight loss on it, too bad i didnt pick up the weight loss:):)
I have gained about 25 since july, I do workouts as well.
i did talk to my doc about it and he confirmed it is possible :( .unfortuneatly
you are on cipralexa nd havent gained any?
what dosage are you on?

02-17-2008, 11:28 PM
Hi! I havent gained any weight but have only taken 15 tablets. I am only on 10mg :-) So I dont think its that bad. How much do you take? Sorry about the weight. Let me know when you loose it :-)