View Full Version : Advice needed please :-)

02-09-2008, 03:33 PM
I'm meeting my partners mother for the first time tomorrow. We've been together over 5 years (we both suffer from anxiety) and I've finally persuaded him to let me meet her. But I'm sooooo nervous because I said I wanted to meet her in an informal setting but we're having a meal at a restaurant and his 12 year old sister is coming too.

I'm not good at eating in nervous situations or eating with people I don't know, so any advice on how to get through it would be great as I'm soooo close to not bothering going! And I have no idea what to say to her as my partner has already said his not even going to speak during the meal and I don't want his mother to think I'm as rude as him!


02-09-2008, 04:06 PM
Just be yourself nobody is judging you. Talk about what you do, what you like, where you've been. Ask questions like where the family live have they been on holiday or whatever springs to mind.

The only thing that will make the situation bad is worrying about it excessively beforehand. It's natural to be nervous but try to relax!

02-09-2008, 04:24 PM
It's natural to be nervous but try to relax!
Relax? What does that mean? ;)

I think I'm probably going to go for one of two options:

Option 1: Fake a family crisis/emergency and not bother

Option 2: Get pissed and hope for the best!

But I'm hoping (although clutching at straws) that I'll have the courage just to go and get it over with and pray it goes ok!