View Full Version : Possibilities for this year

01-02-2014, 08:47 PM

Help muted (charity) Receive cbt Come off medication Travel to morroco and hhelp charity Learn to drive (money needs to appear) Get a girlfriend Doe award Gym 5 days a week Stop smoking Stop drinking and bunning (until I'm better) Join uni army Get a job. Find sense in life Get a firm political belief Start up eBay again Start cycling more Drink less and read more Eat healthier and get better to prove them wrong. Or Kill self.......

01-03-2014, 02:43 AM

Good to see you here man, we were wondering how you were doing through these days friend. You have goals, plans, aspirations,...leave out last line next time!....


01-03-2014, 04:09 AM
MIKE!! Good to see you here man, we were wondering how you were doing through these days friend. You have goals, plans, aspirations,...leave out last line next time!.... E-Man..:)

Hi sorry I've not been on. I hate to be the guy always posting negatively but I share my thoughts here that I share with no one eles. All these things i would love to do this year

But how many people keep their New Years resolutions? Especially someone who's got as little motivation as me!

01-03-2014, 04:43 AM
Not many keep New Years resolution, but you can be different. You just have to have the min set that you CAN and WILL succeed. Don't prove them wrong. prove YOURSELF wrong, your so full of self doubt. That it one step at a time.

01-03-2014, 04:48 PM
Hi Amber :) Good stuff and good to see you again. Hope you and yours are well.

Mike - if I may, --------------- edit - this approach works well on many things for me:

The best way I gave up smoking, was to internalize the enslavery they had over me. That is to say - I looked at all the negatives and Identified each one that I had. Like dry skin, pursed lips, loss of circulation in finger tips, cold extremities, nicotine fingers, yellow teeth, low cardio fitness, and biggest of all; the hanging out for my next smoke.

Now having Identified with all that - next comes the piffy excuses of why? Why am I an addict to suffer such bogan traits - pffft , how about the smell - if not for the appeal of hitting up for the next quick fix - you'd soon discover just how much it really STINKS! Arrrrr but it soothes and makes one feel less tense - Reality Check here, to prove such a response nothing more than a cop out - is that it accelerates the heart and heighten the tension as within a minute or two after the drug Pitters out in the lungs. It's why smokers commonly have another one before heading back in.

OH LOL - Heading back in - that's right - this is the slavery part I mentioned - that part where you are the prisoner to making that break and getting back in. The restaurant or movies - Just a sec, I have to go, but will be right back.
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Man oh man ------ what a pathetic piece of culture to make ourselves look so cool - yet know full well, we are slaves to something we know is so self destructive. Dude - srry to go on like so - but this is how I viewed myself as a smoker. I looked at that drug for what is was, and what it was doing to me. No doctor told me to give it up - once I internalized it - I new it was killing me, making me look older, and doing all those negative things - why then
smoke - because smokers are addicts - in the same way people want to more, to be better than they are - it's just that with smoking that addiction is both more obvious and immediate.

What a sense of empowerment it was to give up - I hated my smokes with a passion like amber says about proving yourself wrong - to hell with everyone else and looking cool and giving in to thier BS excuses - right or wrong I was going to prove to myself I could beat that shit and I did! Cold Turkey as well!

It is with the same conviction now that I attempt to take my life back, regardless of whatever others may wish to label me and have me act - fuck them man - we do this shit for ourselves. once I stopped smoking and became the hero with that, yep - more shit came as it does in life - I feel again hard - but we have to get back up - lest as you say we die, but here's the thing - when we are down and not living up to ourselves - we are already dead!

Time to start living dude - see the shit for what it is, and just do the best you can each day, as with each little liberation will come another win, that keeps us moving forward without having to think on how it's done - in fact - the less thinking and more doing the better.

Today is another day without a pill for me - woo hooooooooo - now moving on to exercising - and getting off this thing.

Peace Bro - use the positive thread to log off each day as a liberating one! lets the rest of the shit go - life is too short.