12-31-2013, 02:00 PM
Hello my name is Emma I'm 38 and I've had panic attacks since I was 17
It all started when I tried marijuana,yes I know silly me and believe me I wish I never, before you put a label on me I was never into drugs never be gone drinking never at partying never going on girls holidays etc,I was very respectful of my body and Heath
So anyway going back to the first and only time I tryed it,I hated how it made me feel and went into a full blown panic attack, which I thought I was can have a heart attack, and from then on I have been a sufferer.
If I could turn back time to that day i would leave me.
I've always kept
My variety and panic attacks at bay just with occasionally using 5mg upto 10mg propanolol three times a day(that's a beta blocker here in the uk)
So over the years that's all I've been on.
Over the last five years I've had A miscarriage then my son then A ectopic pregnancy then my daughter and the the loss of my dear dad.
My emotions and hormones you could say was up the wall I suppose,but I'm
As strong as a ox and hold everything together well I think,
Well that was untill seven months ago
I started to get intrusive thoughts that I was
Going to harm my childern and go to prison
Imagine the fear I felt and my anxitey went through the roof,I thought I was going mad.
I went sent to my doctor and was very truthful
(I felt like a horrible person and just disgusted with me) how could that into my mind when the one things in the whole
World that keep me going everyday is my children,I adore them and my husband.
I lost over a stone I was not sleeping
I was a mess.
I've been on setraline 50mgs for seven months now.
I did cut them for a few weeks to half and the A quarter,but I'm not ready to come off them yet.
I've been fine for months but now the thoughts have come back and the panic attacks
I know it's the anxiety putting something else in the mix as I was winning the battle with it.
Anxiety is very clever it will make you think things that is not going to happen.
I'm a happy go lucky person I'm
Not down or depressed one bit I love my life
I just wanted to share my story with you all.
I would love to here yours to and your feed back :)
I will win this battle
It all started when I tried marijuana,yes I know silly me and believe me I wish I never, before you put a label on me I was never into drugs never be gone drinking never at partying never going on girls holidays etc,I was very respectful of my body and Heath
So anyway going back to the first and only time I tryed it,I hated how it made me feel and went into a full blown panic attack, which I thought I was can have a heart attack, and from then on I have been a sufferer.
If I could turn back time to that day i would leave me.
I've always kept
My variety and panic attacks at bay just with occasionally using 5mg upto 10mg propanolol three times a day(that's a beta blocker here in the uk)
So over the years that's all I've been on.
Over the last five years I've had A miscarriage then my son then A ectopic pregnancy then my daughter and the the loss of my dear dad.
My emotions and hormones you could say was up the wall I suppose,but I'm
As strong as a ox and hold everything together well I think,
Well that was untill seven months ago
I started to get intrusive thoughts that I was
Going to harm my childern and go to prison
Imagine the fear I felt and my anxitey went through the roof,I thought I was going mad.
I went sent to my doctor and was very truthful
(I felt like a horrible person and just disgusted with me) how could that into my mind when the one things in the whole
World that keep me going everyday is my children,I adore them and my husband.
I lost over a stone I was not sleeping
I was a mess.
I've been on setraline 50mgs for seven months now.
I did cut them for a few weeks to half and the A quarter,but I'm not ready to come off them yet.
I've been fine for months but now the thoughts have come back and the panic attacks
I know it's the anxiety putting something else in the mix as I was winning the battle with it.
Anxiety is very clever it will make you think things that is not going to happen.
I'm a happy go lucky person I'm
Not down or depressed one bit I love my life
I just wanted to share my story with you all.
I would love to here yours to and your feed back :)
I will win this battle