View Full Version : Working out..heart paps?

12-31-2013, 05:26 AM
Hey guys wanna know when you working out an your heart is beating fast do you guys get paps? I been getting them all the time? Plus i went to the cardio 3 weeks ruled out everything..just last week i had a AFIB ended up in the hospital..this is crazy i never had paps until this AFIB happen..does anyone get these paps when working out? Please i need some answers very scared :(

12-31-2013, 06:16 AM
Did the cardiologist do an echo and stress test? If that came back clear you might need an EP study to rule out electrical causes of an arrhythmia. But until you have had that you should steer clear of anything that causes your AF.
Best of luck! I'm sure everything will be fine! :)

12-31-2013, 06:29 AM
Thanks hun..yes they did the echo and stress test..everything was clear until last week i had the AFIB very scary and my anxiety is rising so high because of all this..i feel like flutters in my stomach up to my throat is that normal?

12-31-2013, 06:36 AM
Please i need some answers very scared.

Consider asking for a Holter and if nothing caught in 24 hours, then an Event Monitor that could be used for 10 days to 2 weeks or so as needed to catch the rhythm disturbance. The benefit of that is that each disturbance is phoned into a center that immediately interprets the results.

If you've seen the Cardiologist, you should be reassured, if your concerned, mention it to him/her. If you had a stress test, did they show up then?

12-31-2013, 06:44 AM
No they havent showed up..last week i was having them like crazy then i ended up having AFIB they caught on the ekg..but the paps happen in the morning skips like 3 times and then at night 3 times thats it..but thats only when im working out or making love to the wife..those are the only times..

12-31-2013, 06:56 AM
Plus i ha done EKG,Stress,echo,24hr monitor..with two different cardio doctors..and why would i have this AFIB and now causing heart paps did they miss something? Is this bad? Will i die from it? Please help im very scared my anxiety is out of wack right now and i been searching the web and its drivin me nuts!!!!

12-31-2013, 07:05 AM
making love to the wife..

So, it doesn't do it when you're making love to others? LOL

I get hundreds to thousands of premature beats every day. If you get a few, even exercising, and you've been seen by a cardiologist and determined to be healthy, they probably are not significant.

Premature beats may occur naturally when the heart slows after exertion, the heart rate is being tweaked until it gets back to resting, and it's prone to premature beats.

Wearing a Holter Monitor, you write down significant activities, especially in relation to when you notice irregularities in the heart rhythm. Sex would also be written down.

Keep track of the Afib as well, some people have minimal symptoms. If you have Afib over a period of time, you will be prescribed a blood thinner.

12-31-2013, 07:11 AM
and why would i have this AFIB and now causing heart paps did they miss something?

Are you in Afib now, or just irregular beats?

12-31-2013, 07:17 AM
No AFIB right now just those skipped beats when i work out or make love to the wife lol...

12-31-2013, 07:21 AM

In the stress section, he's not talking about a "Few" PVCs, he's talking about a lot of them that increase during stress.

He also mentions people getting 20,000 of them (non exertion related) before they do anything about them. And he mentions Bigeminy. That's ever other beat is premature. That's 50,000/Day, and people may have this for several days.

Believe me, for a few, after having seen a Cardiologist, you are going to be fine.

12-31-2013, 07:28 AM
Yea i just spoke to him he wants me to do the 24 hr heart monitor again..i told him is bad he was like dunno i gotta see first what it is..now it makes me more worried

12-31-2013, 07:43 AM
i told him is bad he was like dunno i gotta see first what it is..now it makes me more worried

Are you just getting a few, seems like it to me. I had 15 while I was writing this. Did you visit the link I sent? He's a doctor that specializes in heart rhythms? They are quite common.

12-31-2013, 07:55 AM
Im gonna check it out now thanks brother..

12-31-2013, 08:11 AM
Its really good that site!! Lets me ask you something that you get heart paps..do you feel it in your throat sometimes? Like flutters or skipp beats?

12-31-2013, 08:26 AM
...do you feel it in your throat sometimes? Like flutters or skipp beats?


Look at this page, your heart is pressed against your esophagus. They use that to advantage to do a special type of Echo Cardiogram.

It would be normal to feel it there.

12-31-2013, 08:35 AM
artaud you are an excellent source of information. Thank you for that .
I had the same situation as Padrepio when I was doing cardio and sometimes in the morning. I had the tests and they say that it is not dangerous. I happened to me when I was young , very young and under stress. I would say I have it for 35 years and kicking. Whole spring and summer I was biking and I notice that I do not get it, maybe just once. I think people in this situation should consider less strenuous exercising.

12-31-2013, 08:47 AM
I think people in this situation should consider less strenuous exercising.

Thank you for the kind words.

I agree with you, and was surprised to learn, from the site I provided the link to, the Electrophysiologist, that "over conditioning" may lead to PVCs as well.

My rule of thumb when I used to post on the arrhythmia forum is for anyone getting heart rhythm problems for the first time, and for those with benign arrhythmias where the symptoms worsen significantly, to see their doctor.

Happy New Year!

12-31-2013, 08:49 AM
Oh really thats good i thought it was something bad feeling it there lol...

12-31-2013, 09:38 AM
Hiya,i thought i would tell you about mine,when i was 28 i got a chest x ray and 24 hr tape and heart scan and ecg and they found ventricular ectopics but they said it is safe,your heart is still healthy but if it troubled people they can give u beta blockers,i didnt take them,then i started with anxiety and panic 2 yrs later and i went private and had another heart scan 24 hr tape and nothing just ectopics showed up,then a few yrs later i am not joking i had ectopics every few min for a week and went straight to cardiologist and all he done was an ecg but he said there just ectopics and shown me on a diagram how many u could have in a day,but strange the next day they went,then i always complain to my doctor i get a banging feeling like my heart is beating hard palpitations and especially after alcohol and big meals so had a stress test and ecg but came back normal so i calmed down but then when i was pregnant i got alot of palps 2 yrs ago and fast heart so got another ecg done and fine,then the other week i was getting palps in work went down to a@e had ecg bloods done and fine,so basically am still scared of feeling my heart beating when all i want is to not hear it and i wudnt get anxious,but i have had ectopics for yrs and there harmless but your doctor should sort your afib out

12-31-2013, 10:01 AM
Hey thanks for you post fisher...i called the hospital just now for the ekg the nurse told me they dont have the one with the Afib..but she told me it was just an episode of AFIB like it really wasnt everything the way she was talking and i was getting mad..when i was in the er they hooked up the ekg on me and right away the nurse called others and said come here and they it was a AFIB then the one nurse stuck a iv in me then it stopped lol isn that weird...so i dont know why they said it was an episode of AFIB whatva that means..then the doctor there said i was young to get that he thought i was doing drugs i said no and they tested for it too it was clear...but i told i quit caffeine about 2 months ago and started to have it again and a glass of red wine every night..this happen last sunday but that saturday i had two cups of coffee and at night i had 3 glasses of red wine..but that whole week i felt heart paps but bad then this happen sunday..so its gotta be the red wine i been having everynight that could have trigger it...im trying to figure this out..

12-31-2013, 11:04 AM
Oh your right apparently to much caffiene can send u into afib,you will have a perfectly healthy heart but just stay away from caffeine x

12-31-2013, 11:06 AM
Do u ever freak over feeling your heart beating?thats my anxiety just wish i was different:(

12-31-2013, 11:08 AM
Yea all the time lol ever since i had the AFIB...its crazy..yea i have to stay away from both its sucks i cant have any and today is new years eve..

12-31-2013, 11:33 AM
Guys I am living with it for 30 or so years , it is extremely unpleasant and scares **** out of me. Just relax when it happens, take air in and slowly let it go, like you are blowing into straw, It helps. I know that I have a slight arrhythmia, and I live with it. When I am on meds it almost does not happen..
When I am calm the heart beats nicely and is almost on the same number of beats ...all the time...most of the time:)
Caffeine is bad for you , switch to white tea and you will be refreshed and it does not higher the heartbeat rather the opposite. It relax the body. white tea only:))

12-31-2013, 11:56 AM
Yea i been cutting it out the caffeine and alcohol..like they told me that could have trigger my AFIB..but its these heart paps are really annoying that bothers the shit out of me and feel them in my throat i cant stand it!!!!!!! I hope it goes away!!!!!!!! U guys are awesome

12-31-2013, 12:16 PM
Most of us have it. it is connected to anxiety, I would think meds can cause it too. I am on beta blockers and somehow they do not happen that often,

12-31-2013, 12:17 PM
Thank you guys !!!!

12-31-2013, 12:59 PM
Can i ask do the beta blockers stop the heavy heartbeat and when your heart goes fast with adrenaline does it stop it?i

12-31-2013, 01:07 PM
Can i ask do the beta blockers stop the heavy heartbeat and when your heart goes fast with adrenaline does it stop it?i

If there is one thing they do well is slow the heart and reduce how forcefully it beats. I take Atenolol, used to take 25 mg once per day, now I split the pill and take 12.5 mg twice a day (same total dose). It significantly eased the banging heart I used to have in the evening. My cardiologist said I had a Hyperdynamic Heart, i.e. thumping too hard. Atenolol did wonders.

12-31-2013, 01:16 PM
My "smart" Gp keeps me on Micardis plus, which I admit controls my BP well.

12-31-2013, 02:32 PM
Haha whats a hyperdynamic heart?super fit is that?:))

12-31-2013, 02:38 PM
super fit is that?:))

I wish. Just pounding too hard, may have been after an Echo Cardiogram. But Beta Blockers settle it down nicely.

01-01-2014, 07:17 AM
i am so curious about beta blockers,i have low bp though so i dont think it would be good for me,i just need that hard beating of my heart with anxiety to stoptjen i wudnt get anxious as much,i am always concentrating on my heart,i have just hoovered up and i know my stomach was tense and it was making my heart pound

01-01-2014, 08:24 AM
fisher I do not think you are a candidate for beta blockers, if I had a choice I would not take them.

01-01-2014, 11:02 AM
i know what you mean,but if you feel better on them then its a bonus:))