View Full Version : I need to calm down

02-08-2008, 05:49 PM
Hey everyone im sorry for the frekiing out on everyone! im just scared of whats going on with my body!just really need some support !

02-08-2008, 06:44 PM
We have all been where you are right now!
Dont worry.. I can only talk for my self, but this is how i cope with my attacks and my pain:

1. Remeber that anxiety is feelings, and will not harm you. The WORST thing that can happen is that you breathe so much that you faint. Just breathe in a bag to stop it.
2. If you get attacks, let them pass. TRYYYYYY as hard as you can to think that there is nothing wrong. At least that you wont die from it.
3. When you get bad feelings, try to change position. Put on music, do something else. Turn whatever you are doing around.
4. After your attack, try to talk with someone. Explain how you felt. "get it all out"
5. Read about it. Read the list of symptoms. Read other messages in here etc. Search on youtube, find other storys that link to yours.
6. If you are not going to pshycologist, do it. Pay for 1 hour and try it. If you dont like it, dont go back until you are ready.
7. The frustration that you feel has to come out, or else it might turn into depression. Talk to a friend or relative about how you feel. Dont be afraid to cry, it only makes things better. Remember that anxiety creates frustration and depression.

I dont know what else to write. Its getting late here hehe.
Anyway. This is just some of the things that im thinking of when i feel bad. After a few weeks you will find that you know its anxiety and you will cope with it better. Then your body and mind will also react better, and maybe your attacks will slowly decrease? Who knows.
Dont give up!

And remember that what ever thoughts you are having - its your anxiety. And you can be shure that someone here has felt it at some point. Try us!


02-09-2008, 02:30 AM
I do agree with the last poster on changing positions and telling yourself that everything is ok. I believe panic attacks are just your mind telling you that you are in danger, thus responding an attack. The best way to fight off some attacks is to recognize them for what they are, then the next step is to tell yourself that you are ok that you are not in danger regardless of what you are thinking. Anxiety is irrational, if you even are in a situation that may set it off then think that right now right here nothing is wrong. That it is indeed just you brain releasing adrenaline because it thinks it is in danger. Of course this doesn't fight off the attacks every time, but I have had a lot of mini attacks as I like to call them, which could have become full blown attacks. Anxiety is extremely complex and its hard to find out exactly what sets you off if you have general anxiety disorder. But as soon as you feel an attack coming the first thing you have to think of is why, if you can figure out why the attack is going to happen then its easier to tell yourself that you are ok. But of course its hard a lot of times, but if it can scathe of some attacks then its worth it.

As for breathing, the bag idea may work and may not. But just to let you know passing out is your bodies defense when things get too rough. Passing out solves a lot of problems, for one your heartrate will come down because what makes you pass out is your body is releasing a calm down hormone and also corrects your breathing. It will suck to pass out and it should be your last resort but if you feel you are starting to go to sleep let yourself. I never have passed out because I fought it, but once my heartrate got up around 220-240 and I think now I probably should have done so. OH well, hope this helps someone.

02-10-2008, 06:17 PM
Stress, or more accuretely anxiety, can turn out to be really difficult, even hell.
But you have to know that you can have impact on your stress. If you are an anxious person, no you can't get rid of it all alone (you might need to see a profesional like a psychologist and take some medication) but it doesn't mean that you can't help yourself; anxiety is, in part, psychological, meaning that you have to change your state of mind. You have to think differently. It's not easy. You have to think in a way that is different from what you're used to: realize that you are overeacting to event, most of the time, that you stress too much for no good reason. realize that most of your life is peaceful and that most of the time you stress without good reason.
So, when you realize that you have no good reason to stress (when you're life is not in danger, that is), then say to yourself: "I'm overeacting to events. I will calm down." And tell yourself WHY, for example: this person is pissed off against me but for no good reason or this person is overeacting, so I don' have any reason to stress.
When you begin to feel anxiety rising up, you have to realize that you must put an end to your way of thinking because one fear leads to another worst. It's all about changing the way you think and maybe getting some help.