View Full Version : Midnight panic attacks and symptoms

02-08-2008, 05:04 AM
Does anybody wake up in the middle of the night in the midst of a panic attack? And what symptoms do you show when you do? I wake up and i am extremly nauseas my head feels "foggy-solid-light" all at the same time and it feels like I have to use all my energy just so that I dont colapse. Is this normal? Anybody else experiencing this type of symptom on anxiety the nausea? I also get cramps in my left arm. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks

02-08-2008, 05:39 AM
I havent had ANY night-attacks, thank God, but i know its normal. You wake up like you have been running all night or something. Your sensations seems normal.
Im so glad i dont have these attacks like you do. It must be horrible... I really hope you get better!

02-09-2008, 12:22 AM
I get night time panic... not so much the cramp in the arm, but i do get funny sensations through my body... sometimes in my down my arms. Normally it plays out like this ---> I wake up scared for no reason and my heart starts to race off on me and it goes so fast and hard that i can barely catch up with my breath... adrenaline then rushes through my blood because i get scared to death... and it's such a horrible feeling especially because you were so relaxed and asleep 2 mins ago... finally after a couple minutes i'll get back on track and calm down... or i just pop a lorazepam and it calms me down after 30 mins or so.... normally i reach for a cup of water to take my mind off of what is happening. If it's real bad i turn on the t.v. and watch something for a while. I know how you feel though, it sucks... nothing seems to trigger it... just comes out of nowhere... hope you get better :)

02-11-2008, 09:17 PM
guy_lafleur23 , everything you said in that post is so right! I have had these happen about 6 times. Its the worst feeling, your heart pounds feels like your out of breath or youve stopped breathing and trying to get it back. You sit up in such a panic! Its like you have had the worst dream in the world and its woken you up in a fright.

It happens out of the blue, its your mind ticking over! Now I have a cup of valarian root tea before i goto sleep and i sleep right through to the morning its great!

I dont miss those night attacks!

Oh i noticed it happend more often when I had, had some alcohol in my body or the night after I have drank a lil too much!

xoxoxo good luck xoxoxo