View Full Version : Arm pain

12-26-2013, 05:34 AM
I've had arm pain for about 3 month or so now both arms, the left a lot more it does go away for a few days at a time but rarely. it's mostly always there everyday. my right arm just feels like pain and my left arm I get pain and weakness? anyone had anything like this at all or gets it? thanks

12-26-2013, 06:07 AM
You are stressed, anxious, your heart is constantly beating faster than it should and will continue to do so until you start your propanalol! or IF you have then it will take a few weeks to regulate in your body....

Think about it .... your mind is on high alert pretty much all the time just waiting for the next pain or thing for worry, and when your panicking your blood is up, heart is racing, adrenalines going, your body and mind are exhausted so yes pains and weakness are very normal and very common :)

12-26-2013, 06:22 AM
Stressed, Anxious, Heart, Continue, Start Your Propanalol! Mind, High Alert, Blood Pressure is UP, Heart Racing, Adrenalines Going, Body and Mind are Exhausted!!!!!

GRRRR!!!! RUFF RUFF!!!!...

EMTW...I must ask you to post your reply in this section, WE can't seem to help you if WE don't even know you..Tell us, who you are, what EXACTLY is going on, and where you are too. Can you do this PLEAASSSEEEE???!!!!!

If we are EVER going to have a chance at helping you, then I want a NAME, I want to know who is there with you, I want to know what meds you have, I want to know what meds you actually take,..EVERYTHING....This has had a grip on you for 804 posts, and that's a veeeryyyyy long time, too long. It is time that we help you get control.

AND DO NOT IGNORE THIS REQUEST, Type about yourself...Is that really all that hard to do or too much to ask dear friend??????? No.


Read them all, know your friends here..

Thinking of you and planning a new path for whoever emtw is right now..

TAH! Chris...:)