View Full Version : Almost passed out

12-25-2013, 10:03 AM
......in church, in the front pew.....during communion.

Oh my, I had a superb panic attack today in church, so much that I felt faint and had to put my face down and start breathing exercises. My vision went all whack and I was going out... I leaned over and informed my hubby I was losing it so he could watch out for me. I couldn't even get up to go get a drink, I knew if I moved I would faint. This has to be one of the worst attacks I have had in public.....I made it through and didn't black out but it made a scene lol and everyone checked in with me after the service, I felt soooooooooo embarrassed. My eye is still twitching. I'm laughing at myself right now for all the random irrational thoughts that are racing through me brain today. SMH

Well....I'm thinking its time for an Ativan before it ruins my day with family. I know I can do this, I know its all just some sick little mental game I challenge myself too....but dang how did we all get SOOOO lucky to experience these crappy things?

Hugs to you all........

12-25-2013, 10:09 AM
That sounds traumatic :( that is my biggest fear .. having a panic attack in public and making a scene. Im glad youre feeling better and youre able to laugh at the irrational thoughts. Sometimes its so unpredictable like you could be out and about not particularly anxious and it suddenly strikes leaving you totally exhausted and confused.
One must master the art of 'on the spot meditation'. Also breathing exercises are such a great help..
Take care! :)

12-25-2013, 10:19 AM
That sounds traumatic :( that is my biggest fear .. having a panic attack in public and making a scene. Im glad youre feeling better and youre able to laugh at the irrational thoughts. Sometimes its so unpredictable like you could be out and about not particularly anxious and it suddenly strikes leaving you totally exhausted and confused.
One must master the art of 'on the spot meditation'. Also breathing exercises are such a great help..
Take care! :)

I kept telling myself "Well at least you are in a safe place, with lots of people who care about you" LOL I was grateful to have my breathing techs to help "manage" myself. Feeble as it was lol Thanks for the kind words!!

12-25-2013, 10:27 AM
I'm so sorry. Having a panic attack in a big, public place has always been one of my greatest fears, too. And of course, trying to be always in control and fearing to 'make a fool of yourself' has the only result to accentuate anxiety...
I know it's awful when it happens, but there's nothing to be ashamed of. When it happens to me, I just try and think that way: I just didn't feel well, nobody thought I did something embarassing, but they were just concerned and worried about me. It helps. A little, but it helps.
Hope your day is going on better now :)

12-25-2013, 11:05 AM
......in church, in the front pew.....during communion. Oh my, I had a superb panic attack today in church, so much that I felt faint and had to put my face down and start breathing exercises. My vision went all whack and I was going out... I leaned over and informed my hubby I was losing it so he could watch out for me. I couldn't even get up to go get a drink, I knew if I moved I would faint. This has to be one of the worst attacks I have had in public.....I made it through and didn't black out but it made a scene lol and everyone checked in with me after the service, I felt soooooooooo embarrassed. My eye is still twitching. I'm laughing at myself right now for all the random irrational thoughts that are racing through me brain today. SMH Well....I'm thinking its time for an Ativan before it ruins my day with family. I know I can do this, I know its all just some sick little mental game I challenge myself too....but dang how did we all get SOOOO lucky to experience these crappy things? Hugs to you all........

"I know I can do this"

You DID do it.!

How many panic attacks does one have to experience before they realize they're harmless?

A different answer for everyone of course but I hope that was the ONE for you

Public confines spaces like church are a pretty common to have a doozy. Sounds as if you did great and everyone was concerned, not whispering about you.

So why be embarrassed? No one else feels you should be

Merry Christmas

12-25-2013, 12:00 PM
......in church, in the front pew.....during communion.

Oh my, I had a superb panic attack today in church, so much that I felt faint and had to put my face down and start breathing exercises. My vision went all whack and I was going out... I leaned over and informed my hubby I was losing it so he could watch out for me. I couldn't even get up to go get a drink, I knew if I moved I would faint. This has to be one of the worst attacks I have had in public.....I made it through and didn't black out but it made a scene lol and everyone checked in with me after the service, I felt soooooooooo embarrassed. My eye is still twitching. I'm laughing at myself right now for all the random irrational thoughts that are racing through me brain today. SMH

Well....I'm thinking its time for an Ativan before it ruins my day with family. I know I can do this, I know its all just some sick little mental game I challenge myself too....but dang how did we all get SOOOO lucky to experience these crappy things?

Hugs to you all........

Wow check you, you sound very positive and strong today well done for getting through it, dealing with it, laughing about it and just say ah well ill take my meds and enjoy the rest of my day :)

Thats a great way to deal with it and now that its happened and all over with n your still here and ok maybe thats what you need to start taking control back as sometimes getting through one big event/attack that you feared can be enough for you to think well its happened now n im ok so lets not worry about that happening again.

Good for you and i hope you enjoy the rest of your day :)

12-25-2013, 04:14 PM
Wow check you, you sound very positive and strong today well done for getting through it, dealing with it, laughing about it and just say ah well ill take my meds and enjoy the rest of my day :)

Thats a great way to deal with it and now that its happened and all over with n your still here and ok maybe thats what you need to start taking control back as sometimes getting through one big event/attack that you feared can be enough for you to think well its happened now n im ok so lets not worry about that happening again.

Good for you and i hope you enjoy the rest of your day :)
the rest of today has felt like a cake walk after this morning lol :) Thanks!

12-25-2013, 04:18 PM
Thats great, you should feel proud of yourself for carrying on with the day and going on to enjoy after a bad attack like that, well done! and im glad you went on to enjoy the rest of your xmas day :D

12-26-2013, 07:25 AM
[QUOTE=NixonRulz;137363]"I know I can do this"

You DID do it.!

How many panic attacks does one have to experience before they realize they're harmless?

A different answer for everyone of course but I hope that was the ONE for you

Public confines spaces like church are a pretty common to have a doozy. Sounds as if you did great and everyone was concerned, not whispering about you.

So why be embarrassed? No one else feels you should be

Merry Christmas[/QUOTE

I get embarrassed because I don't have what feels like a real " explanation" of what happened. ...I can't really say "oh I just thought was going to go blind and that i forgot how to walk so i panicked as a result got light headed " lol
I wish I could just smile and say i am done but my mouth takes over and days even more stupid stuff ... ugh so i walk away beating myself up for sounding like a maniac