View Full Version : Effexor/Klonopin...not being able to sleep

12-21-2013, 10:11 PM
Hello everyone. I have been on Effexor before, for about three years I think, with no problems. It worked well.

I recently started taking 75mg of Effexor daily with directions to take .5mg Klonopin in the morning and another .5 at night until the Effexor started working.

I've been taking my Effexor as directed and just 1/2 tab of Klonopin at night to sleep. I'm not taking the Klonopin as directed because I want to be able to tell if/when the Effexor does start working.

To get to the point, I can't sleep. I take my half tab of Klonopin and have zero trouble falling asleep, but usually wake up 3-5 hours later with anxiety. I don't think my depth of sleep is adequate either. So now I'm exhausted all the time, and anxious because I'm not getting proper rest. Has anyone else had these problems, or does anyone have any advice for me?

Thank you in advance!