View Full Version : anxiety?

02-04-2008, 11:03 PM
i have had anxiety for about maybe a year now. i dont have the panic attacks like i used to. like i would think i was going crazy or something or i was gonna die and then all of a sudden it would hit my stomach then id get hot and sweat and feel like i cant breath and i would get this REALLY salty taste in my mouth. but now i havent had them ina while but i keep thinking negative thought. like omg what was that im seeing things im going crazy. or i think i have depression. i uped my prozac from 20 mg to 40 and i can tell a difference. im 17 and ina band and i dropped outta school and im pretty much at the house 24/7 just sitting around on my ipod touch or playing music. haha i think if i gave my=self something to keep my mind busy then i wouldnt think about it. idk but sry it was so long:)

Go To Sleep
02-05-2008, 03:24 PM
Hey im 17 too : D

I was wondering about starting meds but i dunno, anxiety does screw me over at school alittle.

Do meds make that a big difference/ is it hard to get hold of them?

02-05-2008, 05:05 PM
Ive suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since I was a tricycle motor.
It got really bad when I got into high school. Needless to say, my highschool years where hell.

I knew something was always not quite right with me, but I didnt know what. It wasnt until about 10 years ago that I figured out it was anxiety. Four years ago, I finally went to the doctor. Ive taken a variety of meds, zoloft, paxil and a few others I cant pronounce. They all seem to work for a short period of time. Right now, Im on xanax, it works quite well. To give you an idea how bad my panic attacks are: when Im getting my haircut, ill shake so bad, the barber cant cut my hair. (my stomach tightens up and I cant breath) The only way I can help the situation, is that Ill have a couple Beam and Cokes before hand. :trolly:

Ive tried reading books, listening to self help tapes, but the only thing that works for me is meds. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you.

02-25-2008, 12:10 PM

I too have taken a several SSRI's along with some of the older tricyclics/Tofranil. Prozac seems to be the one the helps ME the most. As was mentioned, it seemed to help more with the onset of taking it. It still does help to an extent. I have been taking Xanax for 16 years. I started out at .25 mgs 2x per day, and I am now at 2 MGs 4 x per day.

If my DR. goes out of pratice, I don't know any other DRs in my area that would prescribe that amount, and of course they would want to take me off of it, but the thing that I have found with all DRs that want to do this, is that they want to do it a rapid rate, and this is so very unwise, as Xanax has a very short half life.

I do remember having to have someone come over to the house to cut my hair, and it would be someone that knew the situation. For me, I felt trapped if I went to get my hair cut, because I would think "they'll think I'm a dang nut if I get up and leave with my hair half cut"

I have been able to overcome that when I finally gave in and started doing my relaxtion exercises regularly, and telling myself that I'm not going to die, go crazy or any of the things that would sound silly to people that are not sensitive to anxiety, as we are over sensitive to it, and therfore we over react to it.

This was not easy, but I had to dig in and be persistant with rational thinking during these episodes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not over this by no means. There are still plenty of things that I can not do. I still have a safety zone and safety person, but I have made progress as of late.

Even though the progress may not seem to be substanial to people that don't suffer with this, we know that if you can go a block further than you have been, hey that is progress.

Ok, I kinda got off track there, but just thought I would share with you guys. ;)