View Full Version : dizziness and nausea

Kaylee Quinlan
12-17-2013, 06:29 PM
Does anyone ever deal with dizziness and nausea on a regular basis? I have pretty much been constantly dizzy for the last 3 days, with occasional nausea. Im so dizzy, I feel dizzy lying down or sitting down. I went to the doctor today and he didnt seem to have any explanation except my anxiety. Im currently worried I could have a brain tumor (even though I probably dont) so my counselor seems to think im manefesting some symptoms of that because im thinking about it. Everytime I get new symptoms I get so scared im dying and they just havent found out why. Anyways...just wonering if anyone has dealt with this unexplained constant dizziness before?

12-17-2013, 06:55 PM
Hi kaylee. This happened to me a few months ago where I was dizzy for almost a week with bad nausea. It made my anxiety even worse and I couldn't figure out which came first the anxiety or the dizziness. It almost felt more like vertigo than dizziness. I went to the doctor and they found nothing wrong with me either. I was very stressed before this and it definitely is a symptom of anxiety. One thing I took that helped was an OTC medicine called Bonine. It's very similar to Dramamine but it seems to help me more with the dizziness and spinning feeling. I usually broke them in half because they can make you drowsy.

Lee Grant Irons
12-17-2013, 09:59 PM
Great information about the Bonine, lex!

Here is a link that seems to have a good explanation of vertigo and anxiety (http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/signs/vertigo).